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Pune Airport Ready for Covid-19 Vaccine Covishield’s Transportation

The Indian government is about to start the distribution of Covid-19 vaccine across different parts of India in the coming time. According to the Airports Authority of India (AAI), it is completely ready to deploy its resources to allow easy transfer of the vaccine from the Pune airport. Moreover, reports state that around 2 crore Covishield vaccines, manufactured by Serum Institute of India are scheduled for dispatch for numerous locations in the country from the Pune airport. The AAI confirmed that along with its subsidiary, AAI Cargo Logistics & Allied Services Company Ltd (AAICLAS), it was prepared for the transportation. 

In a tweet, the AAI said that the Pune airport operates 40 flights to 15 destinations all over India on a day to day basis. Also, it handles 150 tonnes of cargo daily. AAI and its subsidiary are completely capable and ready to transport Covishield in the interest of the nation. 

A meeting discussing the SOPs for the novel coronavirus vaccine transportation from Pune airport to different destinations was conducted among all stakeholders, including AAI and IAF. The announcement came after the meeting. 

It is to be noted that on the other side, Serum Institute of India is busy performing the labeling and packaging of two crore shots of its coronavirus disease vaccine Covishield, which has been granted emergency use authorisation for restricted emergency use within India. 

Additional Director at SII, Rajendra Suthar said, “ The state of the art machinery has been geared up at the packaging plant, which is operating in three shifts. Serum Institute has 6 crore doses of Covishield filled and stored in its cold storage.” He further added, “About 1.20 lakh doses have been further packed in one carton with ice packs so that the vaccine temperature of 2 to 8 degree can be maintained.”

In the meanwhile, the Union Health Ministry has asked states and union territories to be prepared for the first supply of Covishield in a short time. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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