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Preventive Healthcare Plan: A Quick Guide

It is always wise to be prepared against the illness in order to prevent it rather than visiting a doctor at the time of illness. An ideal health insurance plan is one in case it offers coverage towards preventive measures such as diagnostic tests, doctor’s consultation, etc. A preventive healthcare plan assists in bringing the costly preventive care check-up accessible to the general public. By timely identification and minimizing the factors associated with illness through proper screening, this insurance cover has played out an important role in the life of many people. Preventive care and going for regular health check-ups can help you in keeping safe from illness which evolve silently over time and can even cause death to the one who is suffering.

Preventive Healthcare Plan: A Quick Guide

Key Features of Preventive Healthcare Plan

A preventive healthcare plan is a comprehensive plan that offers several significant benefits to the policyholders such as---

  • Free consultation from doctor/physician even on the telephone
  • Availing free medical check-ups throughout the year
  • Concessions are available at pharmacies
  • Discounts on health tests at pathology lab, diagnostic labs and radiology labs
  • Various benefits can be availed on dental services and check—ups
  • Discounts can be availed even on big health treatments along with consultation and diagnosis services
  • Helps in saving taxes under section 80 D of the Income Tax Act
  • To avail preventive health care you need to follow easy 3 steps. First of all, you need to contact the helpline number on the membership card and explain your health related query to the representative------secondly, the representative would guide you to the specialist for diagnosis and thirdly, you can receive your health treatment using the card without needing to spend any money every now and then.

Health Insurance V/S Preventive Healthcare Plan

Highlighted below are major points of differences between Health Insurance and Preventive Health Plan:

Basis Health Insurance Preventive Healthcare Plan
Senior citizen This plan is either denied to old people or a higher amount of premium is charged in order to insure them. Old people are given this plan easily and the same amount of premium is charged for everyone.
Pre-existing Disease All pre-existing diseases are not covered until the waiting period is over. Pre-existing diseases are covered under the plan.
Premium The amount of premium charged is generally high. The membership fee charged annually is comparatively low.
Health Services Radiology and pathology services are not covered. Radiology and pathology services are covered.
Claim Process Claim procedure is quite time-consuming. It is simple and fast to avail the services.
Expenses Covered A health insurance plan offers coverage against hospitalisation expenses. A preventive healthcare plan offers coverage against general medical expenses.
Coverage This plan offers coverage against serious illness. This plan offers coverage against preventive services and diagnostic services.

After knowing the importance of preventive healthcare plans, several insurance providers have started integrating this plan hence alerting individuals regarding the same.

Preventive Healthcare Package

Some of the common preventive healthcare packages offered to the customers are explained as follows:

  • Regular Plan: Under a preventive healthcare regular plan, an individual can go to the doctor for basic health check-up and keep themselves protected against any kind of illness.
  • Child Plan: A child healthcare plan allows the guardians or parents to take their kids, who are aged between 0 to 13 years for regular medical check-ups to the doctor.
  • Family Plan: Under this preventive healthcare plan, each family member can avail preventive healthcare irrespective of their gender or age.

In a Nutshell

With the modernization, we have adopted a sedentary lifestyle and have also consequently altered our eating and sleeping habits. This has largely affected the functioning of our bodies. In certain cases these lifestyle changes have also made us vulnerable to several diseases. Therefore, it is important for an individual to opt for a preventive healthcare plan based on their needs. Also, various customized plans are available today which can surely prove to be super money saviours. It is always important to cure a disease before it becomes a silent killer, so if you still do not have a preventive healthcare plan then buy one as soon as possible.

Also Read: Got A Preventive Health Check-Up? Don't Forget To Claim A Tax Deduction

Preventive Health Check-Ups and Tax Deductions

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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