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Pre-Existing Conditions In Health Insurance: Covered Or Not?

Individuals with already existing or pre-existing conditions are often concerned that the health insurance provider would not provide coverage for them. Additionally, they would only receive little coverage in the event of a stay in the hospital. Most individuals have this misconception about the coverage provided by healthcare insurers.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of businesses are selling health insurance coverage due to the market's fierce competitiveness. The sole variation between nearly all healthcare providers and others is that people with already existing conditions pay a bigger premium.  The perks of the health insurance coverage are comparable to those offered to a regular person.

Firms are now ready to bear risks linked with already existing disorders because of the fiercer market competitiveness. In reality, you have the choice to select the ideal already existing disease coverage plan based on your requirements and interests. ​​​

Pre-Existing Conditions In Health Insurance: Covered Or Not?

What Exactly Is A Pre-Existing Illness?

The short form of pre-existing disease is PED, which makes it easier to communicate with. This is a crucial component of your healthcare coverage. In essence, it relates to the illnesses or conditions you had at the moment you purchased your coverage.

An already existing condition or a PEDs in the context of coverage is any illness you had when you purchased your coverage that was discovered no more than 4 years earlier. Already existing conditions can lie between anything and everything from food intolerances or hypertension to more severe health illnesses like cancer or sugar diabetes.

Therefore, let's say that a year after your physician gave you a treatment for hypertension healthcare and made the diagnosis of high blood pressure and you decided to get insurance. Your medical disease, hypertension, is thus an already existing ailment.

How Can A PED Affect Your Access To Healthcare Coverage?

In the event that the covered person suffers a loss, the healthcare provider will provide economic help in accordance with the rules and regulations of the policy. The likelihood of claims increases in this situation because the healthcare providers are aware that the individual already suffers from an already existing ailment. As a result, healthcare coverage providers are a little hesitant to include already existing conditions. Some could demand a greater premium and then cover them in accordance with the rules and regulations.

What is the Significance Of Declaring PEDs?

You could be thinking if it is even necessary to disclose an already existing ailment. However, in this instance, it's essential to act as open and honest as you can!

Check your health records to be certain that you have listed all the conditions and services you might require coverage for. Overlook waiting time; they could not even reimburse anything at all if your healthcare company discovers your already existing ailment after you've hidden it from them. So, instead of not declaring it, consider waiting for a while and have your already existing conditions insured!

How Should You Proceed With PED Healthcare Coverage Purchase?

You should constantly evaluate multiple policies and choose a healthcare coverage policy that is suitable for your required needs because the rules and regulations for various healthcare providers might vary. It's simple to compare various policies with the help of the internet's ease.

Additionally, it guarantees that you have a policy that delivers value for your investment and that you are covered from all healthcare bills in the event of a health-related emergency.


As you can understand, persons who have already existing conditions are eligible for healthcare coverage in India. Therefore, set aside the myth and protect your own health and the health of those you love with a suitable healthcare coverage plan. Particularly during the COVID-19 epidemic, it enables you to receive health care at the best hospital with cutting-edge medical equipment.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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