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Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana - All You Need To Know

The Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana is a self-sustaining initiative that aims to improve India's health infrastructure. Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to begin the initiative in Uttar Pradesh on October 25, 2021. The Atma Nirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana is a plan that aims to improve the nation's healthcare infrastructure.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in conjunction with the National Health Mission, is launching this health initiative. PMASBY is a public-sector initiative that intends to build an IT-enabled disease monitoring system by expanding a network of surveillance laboratories at the district, regional, national, and block levels. To find more about the PMASBY scheme, read on.

Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana - All You Need To Know

Salient Features Of The PMASBY Scheme

Following are the salient features of the PMASBY scheme -

  1. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman introduced the Atmanirbahr Swasth Bharat Yojana in the Union Budget 2021.
  2. A provision of Rs. 2.23 lakh for health care is incorporated in this programme.
  3. In all districts, investigative centres will be established.
  4. A provision set of Rs. 64,180 crores would be spent over six years under the PMASBY plan.
  5. This plan calls for critical care hospital blocks to be built in 12 major institutions and 602 districts.
  6. Around 11,000 urban and rural health and wellness centres, as well as 17,000 rural health centres, will benefit from this programme.
  7. This plan calls for the construction of 15 health emergency operations centres as well as two mobile hospitals.
  8. In 11 states, 3383 public health units have been established.
  9. In all districts, investigative centres will be established.
  10. The National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and its five regional offices will be strengthened under this strategy, which will supervise the establishment of 20 urban health monitoring units.

What Is The Objective Of The PMASBY Scheme?

The Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana (PMASBY) has as its major goal the filling of existing gaps in public health infrastructure, particularly in primary and critical care facilities, in both rural and urban regions. It also seeks to create an IT-enabled disease monitoring system by establishing a network of surveillance laboratories in metropolitan regions at the block, district, regional, and national levels.

The PMASBY programme also intends to improve 33 current public health units while also establishing 17 new public health units at entrance points. This will assist the government in preventing, detecting, investigating, and combating disease outbreaks and public health situations more efficiently.

Furthermore, the PM Ayushman Bharat Health Facilities Mission intends to make better use of existing district hospital infrastructure, address inequalities in medical college distribution, and enhance the availability of health professionals in India.

Benefits Of PMASBY

Following are the listed benefits of PMASBY that people will get -

  1. The PMASBY programme will support about 17,788 current rural health and wellness centres in ten high-focus states.
  2. This project would also establish 11,024 health and wellness centres in metropolitan areas throughout all states.
  3. It would deliver critical care services through dedicated critical care hospital blocks in all Indian districts with populations above 5 lakh.
  4. In districts with populations of fewer than 5 lakh people, critical care services would be given on a referral basis.
  5. A network of laboratories across India will provide a comprehensive range of diagnostic services to anyone covered by the public healthcare system.
  6. Under this project, an integrated health information system that connects all public health laboratories would be expanded to all Indian states and union territories.
  7. Under the three phases of this project, 157 new medical schools have been approved throughout the country. 63 medical colleges have already opened their doors.
  8. Frontline health professionals will also be trained as part of the PMASBY programme in order to create a workforce capable of responding to any public health emergency.


The Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana will significantly strengthen India's healthcare infrastructure. In both rural and urban locations, people will have improved access to healthcare services.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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