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Political, Religious & Social Gatherings Banned in Maharashtra Due to Rise in Covid-19 Cases

Maharashtra has become the worst Covid-19-hit state in India. The state has seen a significant rise in the number of coronavirus cases. Due to the consistent increase in novel coronavirus cases, political, religious and social gatherings have been banned. Furthermore, a new lockdown has been imposed in certain areas. 

According to Uddhav Thackeray, Maharashtra’s CM, the daily Covid-19 cases in the state had increased to almost 7,000 from about 2,000 in January. He has emphasised on imposing stricter measures starting from this week so that the spread of the coronavirus can be contained.  The Chief Minister further stated that the second wave has been knocking on the door of the state and whether it has come or not will be confirmed in the next 8 to 15 days. He further informed that all sorts of political agitations will not be allowed for the next few days as they draw massive gatherings.

On Sunday itself, Maharashtra had reported 6,971 new coronavirus confirmed cases.

According to the state's health minister Rajesh Tope, the state of Maharashtra still has 54,306 active coronavirus cases.

Maharashtra Chief Minister also stated that while a new lockdown may not be the perfect solution for Covid-19, however, it is the only option left to break the cycle of the virus. Uddhav Thackeray also emphasised that Covid-appropriate behaviour is very important and a must for all. Any individual found breaking the rules will be subjected to punishment. Uddhav Thackrey also stated that the face mask is the only 'shield' in the war against the novel coronavirus pandemic. 

It must be noted that a 7-day lockdown has been imposed on Maharashtra's Amravati from this week. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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