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Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Likely in July, Indemnity Request Being Examined: Center

NITI Aayog Member (Health) VK Paul has reportedly stated that Pfizer has indicated the availability of a certain amount of its COVID-19 vaccine in the coming months, most probably in July, 2021. At the present time, the government is examining Pfizer's request for indemnity. A decision is yet to be taken.

As per Mr. Paul, currently Pfizer’s expectations from the Indian government and vice versa are being looked into. Pfizer has requested indemnity to all the nations, including India. As of now, the request is being examined.

Sources suggest that Pfizer seeks a fast-track approval for its COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, the company has informed Indian officials that its vaccine is highly effective against the Indian variant. Moreover, Pfizer has stated that its vaccine is suitable for every individual aged 12 years or above and can be stored for a month at 2-8 degrees.

It must be noted that Pfizer is ready to offer 5 crore doses to India between July and October, 2021. However, the US firm seeks few relaxations including indemnification. Pfizer has also thanked the Indian government for agreeing to its requests regarding procurement through a central government pathway. Also, for discussing indemnity and liability protection.

Pfizer has stated that India should depend on the 44 authorizations, including WHO approval. Moreover, the country rather than seeking a local PSA (Post Approval Commitment) study should facilitate an emergency use authorisation or restricted use pathway for Pfizer’s vaccine.

It is important to note that Pfizer has not sought permission from the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) to sell their vaccine. In February 2021, Pfizer withdrew its application after India insisted on a local trial. Reports suggest that the US firm is consistent in its position on indemnity and does not wish to change its approach for a deal with India. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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