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Omicron: What Do We Know About the New Corona Variant So Far?

Alarms are ringing fast over the world with the emergence of a new corona variant, the Omicron. In the face of another devastating threat, scientists are racing against time to find more details about the variant, and how it can be stopped. The variant has already been confirmed in more than 30 countries already. However, the variant has not yet caused any death in any nation.

When and Where was the Omicron Variant Detected?

The Omicron variant was first detected in South Africa, which then alerted the globe of the new variant. The incredible rapidity with which this variant is spreading is extremely worrisome. It might surpass previous variants as well, with the speed with which it is spreading already. However, no concrete facts have been found on it yet. As is obvious, lockdown restrictions have been increased once again in most countries, although they were mostly in place due to fear of the Delta variant.

What is the Status of the Omicron Variant in India?

In India, the variant is fast spreading as well. Most of the people who have been detected are either those who have just returned to the country after being abroad or those who have been in contact with said returnees. A close eye is being kept on all those who are coming from outside of the country, to rapidly detect any sign of COVID. The current number of cases in India has already crossed 20. New Delhi reported its first case over the weekend. The first two cases of the Omicron variant in India were detected in Karnataka. Cases have now been detected across Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Gujarat as well. 

How Effective is the Vaccine Against the Omicron Variant?

The variant is still being studied in detail so it is difficult to reach solid conclusions. However, scientists are of the view that the vaccine offers some level of protection against this new variant. Although it might not be able to stop infection completely, it can reduce its severity and prevent hospitalization. There is also a possible reduction of the chances of death due to this variant. Most nations are actively vaccinating or have vaccinated their population and must continue to do so, to prevent the rise in the number of cases.

Nevertheless, the variant is still a fast-spreading one. It might also have the capacity to surpass the immunity that has been built till now, due to the large number of reinfections that is being seen. Since most of the global population has developed some form of immunity against corona, a variant that surpasses that might spread with increased rapidity. However, it is important to remember that the variant is still being studied in great detail to find out more concrete results.

Take Away

While increased awareness is necessary, one must remember to not spread panic or worry themselves into a fit. There is still much that is left to know about the variant and therefore, everyone must stay alert to any new developments. At the same time, all COVID regulations including maintaining personal hygiene, keeping safe distances, coughing and sneezing with care, are all necessary to keep everyone safe. Moreover, it is crucial that all those who are eligible take the vaccine immediately as it has proven to be a deterrence to severe infection, possibly lowering the rates of death. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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