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Offline Or Online: Where To Buy Health Insurance Plans?

Life is  unpredictable because of which  it's important to prioritise your health. Since the COVID-19 epidemic, it has been more crucial than ever to really maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid contracting a sickness that might result in paying astronomical medical expenses. Medical insurance coverage, however, can provide you with the highest level of financial protection if such a case occurs. You may buy health insurance policies both online and offline in India thanks to a variety of health insurance providers. To find out more on buying health insurance plans - online or offline, read on.

Offline Or Online: Where To Buy Health Insurance Plans?

What Are The Benefits Of Buying An Online Health Insurance Plan?

Nowadays, thanks to modern technology and digitisation, many choose to purchase their health insurance online. Since there is no paperwork involved, it is more transparent, and the policy is delivered right away.

Additionally, you are not required to purchase a health insurance policy entirely via an insurance agent. Instead, it takes less time to quickly compare health insurance quotes from several insurance providers online.

When buying a health insurance policy online, you have access to all necessary information, including policy coverage, exclusions, premium estimates, terms & conditions, etc. This makes it simpler to evaluate various policies offered by various insurance firms at one place .

In addition, many insurers give premium savings when you purchase a health plan online as their operating costs are reduced. You will thus be able to pay less for a higher level of benefits.

Additionally, you may have access to any health insurance plan's details online at any time and do a better comparative study of many plans, which will help you make smarter judgments. You may also compare the claim-handling procedures of several insurance providers to determine which one will resolve your claims the quickest.

What Are The Benefits Of Buying An Offline Health Insurance Plan?

For those who don't feel comfortable utilising a computer or the internet, purchasing health insurance offline is the best option. People who are not tech-savvy can easily phone their agents or visit the local office of their insurance company to get answers to their questions.

Your agent can explain terminology to you if you're having difficulties comprehending them and assist you complete your proposal form appropriately if necessary.

Since the agents are experts with years of expertise, they will also assist you in finding the best plan in accordance with your medical needs and, if necessary, complete your proposal form.

You may submit a ticket to customer support for services like nominee changes, policy upgrades, premium payments, or claim settlements with the assistance of your personal representative. Additionally, obtaining health insurance offline protects you from the possibility of internet fraud and allows you to work directly with a reputable agent.

What Mode Is More Useful For Someone While Buying A Health Insurance Plan?

Online health insurance purchases are more convenient, transparent, flexible, need less paperwork, and are quicker. You may not only get the finest policies from the leading insurance providers in India, but you can also simply compare them before making a purchase. Additionally, the online approach is less expensive and more secure because there is no agent commission.

If you deal with IRDA licensed insurers, purchasing health insurance online is entirely secure. Authentic insurers provide 100% risk-free encrypted payment options. The danger associated with offline health insurance includes information manipulation and fraud by a person acting as an agent. It is crucial to check an agent's qualifications before purchasing health insurance via them because of this. The online mode is the more secure choice between the two.


The offline option is preferable for individuals who are not tech-savvy and for those who need human support. Online health insurance is more practical, secure, and cost-effective. And it is the most advised mode of the two for all the previously mentioned reasons.

Also Read: The Best Ways To Buy Affordable Health Insurance Plans


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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