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News Findings Released Regarding Non-Invasive PGT-A IVF Treatment

The national network of IVF Labs, Ovation Fertility has released the initial findings of its ongoing study based on non-invasive PGT-A. PGT-A or preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy is used for identifying chromosomally normal embryos for transfer, thereby enhancing the chances of a successful pregnancy from IVF. The development is a major source of relief for people looking forward to IVF treatment.

As per Ovation’s key findings, amplification parameters and time in single drop culture possess directly related to concordance with trophectoderm biopsy PGT-A results.

It must be noted that the study began in November 2020 and will continue on an ongoing basis. Further findings will be released publicly as additional data is available. 

At the present time, PGT-A is performed invasively. The study highlights the efficacy of an alternative, non-invasive form of testing, that makes use of cell-free DNA from the culture media with embryos growing in the IVF laboratory. In this study, embryos are tested both via biopsy and non-invasively. For a very long time, non-invasive PGT-A has long been considered a promising technology, however, results of studies have not been convincing enough. 

According to the experts, while the non-invasive PGT-A may not seem as fruitful in the IVF treatment as the invasive technique at the present time for pregnancy, it can still be relied upon as a worthy and cost-effective tool for gathering more information on embryo quality before embryo transfer.”

As of now, the study is expected to go on for a span of a few months. It will include fertility practices of the Ovation partner in addition to clients of Ovation Genetics laboratories.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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