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New COVID-19 Restrictions for 15 Days in Maharashtra From Today

As per Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray’s announcement, the state will implement tough Covid-19 restrictions for the next 15 days, starting from today.  To curb the spread of coronavirus diseases, a ban on gatherings will be exercised and only essential activities will be allowed. 

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From today, Section 144, a rule that prevents groups of more than four people will be exercised across Maharashtra and only essential services & travel will be allowed. The Maharashtra CM has urged people to move to Work From Home and observe a "Janata Curfew" on a voluntary basis. 

It must be noted that only essential services will function, related to banks, health care, fuel, media, and e-Commerce from 7 am to 8 pm. Malls, shopping centres, film shoots, and beaches will be shut from today. Curbs will be exercised for hotels and restaurants, however, home delivery and takeaways will be allowed. Not following coronavirus rules, including vaccination will lead shopkeepers and others in essential services towards fine. 

The number of people will be restricted in weddings, funerals, and political gatherings. The curbs will be in effect till May 1.

Addressing the state, the Maharashtra Chief Minister said, “I have to announce restrictions. It is the time for action. There may not be a lockdown as of now, but there will be strict restrictions. Bread and butter may be important, but saving lives is important too.”

The update comes as Maharashtra records 60,212 new cases and 281 deaths due to the novel coronavirus.

It must be noted that Mr. Thackeray has requested military support in handling oxygen and medicine shortage in the state. He informed that the state has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to grant military’s help and get oxygen via air instead of by road.

Highlighting that the state government was being tested by the crisis, Mr. Thackeray stated that while Maharashtra had postponed the Class 10 and 12 state board exams, the coronavirus exam cannot be postponed.


Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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