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Myths And Facts About Health Insurance Policy?

Actually, the best time to buy health insurance is while you're young and healthy. If you get a policy early in life and renew it on a regular basis, you'll have a better claim experience if you ever need it. Certain illnesses aren't detected until symptoms appear. These pre-existing disorders are only covered if a person has had health insurance coverage for at least 48 months, according to health insurance legislation. Purchasing health insurance early in life is advantageous since the policyholder is covered at all stages of life. Health insurance also protects you from incidents that might happen at any moment.
Many of us find health insurance to be a difficult product to grasp, especially given its numerous intricacies and conditions. For those who require it, however, there really is no lack of knowledge about health insurance as well as its different elements found on the website.To find out myths and facts surrounding life insurance riders, read on.

Myths And Facts About Health Insurance Policy?

What Are Some Myths & Facts Around Life Insurance Riders?

Following are some of the myths and facts around life insurance riders -

MYTH - Health Insurance Provided by Your Employer Is Enough
FACT - As an aspect of the employee welfare programme, several companies provide corporate group health insurance to its employees. If you are covered by your employer's health insurance plan, however, don't overlook the significance of obtaining your own health insurance. While corporate insurance is beneficial, it may not cover your elderly parents or dependents, or may force people to provide a co-payment, among other things. Furthermore, your insurance will only be valid as long as you have been working with your present company. It's a good idea to get health insurance earlier on since it only gets more expensive as you get older and your fitness worsens. Furthermore, if you really are among jobs that do not have an individual health insurance policy, you may be without protection.

MYTH - Smokers are ineligible for health insurance coverage.
FACT - According to a poll conducted by a health insurance company, approximately 49 percent of those who drank alcohol or smoked were confused if they would be qualified for a. Despite the fact that such people are at a far greater health threat, they are not disqualified for health insurance. Given the elevated risk associated with such persons, they may be forced to pay a little higher premium and undergo more stringent health exams before being awarded health insurance.

MYTH - Those who are physically fit do not require health insurance.
FACT - While being healthy is beneficial, it does not protect you against unanticipated events such as sickness or accidents. Malaria and dengue fever may be transmitted by even the healthiest of people. Accidents may seriously harm anyone, and based on the extent of the injuries, medical costs might potentially reach lakhs.

MYTH - Only if you are hospitalised will you be compensated.
FACT - It is a common misconception that only procedures that are followed by hospitalisation are covered by health insurance. So because of technological improvements, a person does not always need to be admitted to the hospital for surgery. Patients do not need to be hospitalised for day care treatments such as cataract surgery or kidney stone removal, and can return home within a few hours. Procedures performed in a day care centre are covered by health insurance. Under a health insurance policy, some health insurance companies additionally cover ancillary expenses such as dental treatments, physician consultation fees, ayurvedic, and even Unani treatment costs.


People have a tendency to assume that insurance terms of service do not change and that cashless insurance is the best option. When acquiring health insurance, it is critical to dispel these beliefs and get coverage that is tailored to your healthcare requirements, lifestyle, and financial resources. Carefully read the document in its entirety.

Also read-Health Insurance Regulations Every Policyholder Should Know

Group Health Insurance Vs. Individual Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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