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Most Children with COVID-19 Asymptomatic: Health Ministry

Speculations about the third COVID-19 wave affecting the children have been present for quite some time. Keeping the same in mind,  the Union Health Ministry is keenly observing COVID-19 cases in kids. Dr. VK Paul, Chairman, National Expert Committee on Vaccine Administration has reportedly stated that currently, most children who are contracting the coronavirus disease are asymptomatic. In some cases as of now, the children have been affected by COVID-19 in two ways. While in the first wave, pneumonia-like symptoms were reported in children, in the second wave, some cases of a multi-inflammatory syndrome have been found among kids who recently recovered from coronavirus disease. 

Dr. Kaul informed that in very rare cases, six weeks after recovery from COVID-19, some children get fever again, along with rashes and vomiting. He added that children are generally asymptomatic and often get infections, but their symptoms are minimal or nil. Until now, novel coronavirus has not taken serious shape in children.

It must be noted that the government of India has dismissed the possibility of COVID-19 affecting children. However, Dr. Paul admitted that there is a possibility that novel coronavirus may change its behaviour considering the second wave. He informed that the impact of COVID-19 may increase in children. While the data showcases a low number of children being admitted to hospitals, it is better to be prepared as per Dr. Kaul. 

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According to Dr. Randeep Guleria, Chief, AIIMS, Delhi, data from the first and second waves of coronavirus indicate that children mostly remain protected against the disease. Moreover, the virus enters the body through ace receptors, a specific protein variety that are much less in the body of children as compared to adults.

There is no evidence that COVID-19 infection might happen with utmost severity in the future in people who have remained unaffected from the virus until now, Dr. Guleria stated.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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