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More UK Returnees Positive for New Strain; Total 20

The last few days witnessed the return of unnumbered passengers from the United Kingdom. While a total of 233 passengers have been tested for the novel coronavirus, the number of UK-returnees tested positive for the new variant has increased by 6 and reached the tally of 20. The samples of six UK-returnees were positive for the new variant genome by Tuesday night. 

Addressing the situation in a detailed statement, the Health Ministry confirmed that a total of six samples of six UK-returned passengers has found to be positive with the new UK variant genome. As per the new reports, 3 in NIMHANS, Bengaluru, 2 in CCMB, Hyderabad and 1 sample in NIV, Pune has been found positive for the new variant. All the new Covid-19 infected individuals have been kept in single room isolation. Furthermore, people in close contact with the new coronavirus disease patients have also been put under quarantine. 

According to the Health Ministry, genome sequencing on other specimens is being carried out. The whole situation is being monitored and states are being consistently advised to increase surveillance, containment, test and dispatch of samples to the INSACOG labs.

It is to be noted that with the initial news of a new novel coronavirus variant being found in the UK, India had suspended all the flights from the UK from December 23 till 31. The Health Ministry had also advised people to not panic as there is lack of evidence that vaccines will strain against the new strain. As per India's principal scientific advisor, vaccines will definitely work against the variants detected in the UK and South Africa.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.​

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