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Moderna Begins Testing of New Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate

According to latest reports, Moderna Inc has begun the testing of its new Covid-19 candidate, mRNA-1283. Recently, the company claimed that it has dosed the first participant in an early-stage study of a new coronavirus candidate, which could potentially be stored and shipped in refrigerators rather than freezers. As per the company, it would make the distribution of Covid-19 vaccine easy, especially in developing countries where supply chain problems could disrupt vaccination drives.

In an early-stage study, the safety and immunogenicity of the next-generation vaccine, mRNA-1283 will be assessed. This assessment will be done on dose levels. The novel coronavirus vaccine will be given to healthy adults either in the form of a single dose or in two doses at a difference of 28 days.

Moderna is also planning to evaluate the new vaccine, mRNA-1283, as a potential booster shot in future studies.

It must be noted that last week, Moderna Inc began dosing the first participants in a study testing coronavirus booster vaccine candidates. The vaccine targeted the B.1.351 variant that first emerged in South Africa.

According to an announcement made by the company, mRNA-1273.351, the booster vaccine candidates will be tested in a trial of variant-specific shot as well as a multivalent shot.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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