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Max Bupa Health Insurance Launches Senior First Plan for Senior Citizens

Max Bupa Health Insurance has recently launched ‘Senior First’ policy to help senior citizens avail premium health insurance coverage. The tailor-made plan is available in Gold and Platinum category, with sum insured ranging between Rs.5 Lakh up to Rs.25 Lakh. Max Bupa’s new launch is expected to cover senior citizens for unforeseen medical expenditure towards various diseases, including COVID-19.

Krishnan Ramachandran, MD and CEO, Max Bupa Health Insurance reportedly said that senior citizens face multiple challenges while purchasing health insurance. Furthermore, the elderly have to deal with pre-policy medical examinations, high premium, high copayments, and other challenges like such. The Senior First policy comes with various attractive features like no mandatory pre-issuance medical tests, health check-ups from day one, hassle-free claims process, and more which will help the elderly purchase health insurance without any struggle. 

It must be noted that as per a latest release by Max Bupa, Senior First plan is a comprehensive cover that will include coverage options of up to Rs.25 Lakh with no sub-limits on common health conditions such as cataract, knee replacement, and others. 

ReAssure benefit will be one of the prime features of the Senior First policy which will get active with the first claim itself. This will be an unlimited sum insured benefit and the policyholder will be able to make as many claims as required in the same policy year, for the same or different illnesses.

Senior First is a cashless product. Under its safeguard benefit, the plan will offer 100% coverage for otherwise non-payable expenses like PPE kit, gloves, oxygen masks, conveyance charges and others. The policy will also cover expenses incurred during all-day care treatments, requiring hospitalization of more than 2 hours, including angiography, dialysis, and radiotherapy.

The plan also comes with a 'no-claim bonus' benefit to reward customers for staying healthy. In addition, the policy buyers will be able to choose their own co-payment as per their financial health and will be allowed to swap co-payments for a deductible.

Senior First will be easy to understand for the policy holders as the policy terms and conditions have been written in a simple, plain manner without much jargon.

You may also like to read: 

Top 5 Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

How to File A Claim with Max Bupa Health Insurance?

COVID-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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