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List of Diseases Covered By Care Health Insurance Plans


Written by Kritika Singh

Updated Sep 19, 2024

Care health insurance is a much trusted health insurance company catering to the needs and requirements of varied domains and groups of people. Care health insurance provides the most relevant facilitation according to the chosen policy and health insurance plans for individuals, families, senior citizens, parents, children as and when required. Not only does it incorporate bearing expenses for hospitalisation, for both pre and post care, and daycare expenses but also provides coverage for major critical conditions and diseases of the current times. 

Patients benefit extensively with Care Health Insurance’s thoughtful plans made for people dealing with major (32) critical illnesses. The design is made n such a way that it provides you with and maintains a structured way of dealing and bearing your expenses during the crisis of having been inflicted with any of these major 32 critical illnesses, in the most unforeseeable circumstances upon self or a loved one.

List of Diseases Covered By Care Health Insurance Plans

Following are the diseases that you will be covered for under Care Health Insurance Pans:

  • Cancer: Started off as only a life threatening disease, cancer is now also a lifestyle disease with the cases on the rise and for this reason the Insurance plan for Cancer treatment is a major financial relief.
  • Diabetes and High Blood Pressure: Because of the genetic involvement causing a higher increase in the number of cases as it runs in families, diabetic patients are highly advised to opt for any scheme that might provide you with the expense management option, from buying expensive medication to hospital checks, covered in the Insurance plan.
  • Catastrophic Burns: The insurance plan provides you with an aid for cases of severe body burns, which can turn into a life threatening casualty. 
  • Kidney Failure: In the situation of damage to the kidney or its complete failure, an operational insurance plan comes in handy for providing reassurance against your financial burden.
  • Cardiac Diseases: Cardiac arrest has been rated the top reason of death recently and thus for its fatality any form of pulmonary damage should not be neglected and be given the required medical assistance at the earliest. One step towards taking the right insurance plan is another preparation you can do for your sake to manage.
  • Severe Liver Damage: The insurance plan also provides coverage for critical liver conditions, needing immediate treatment and after care.
  • Others: Stroke, arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, severe bacterial infection, motor neuron disorder, and organ failures are some among the many that can make life miserable if not treated properly but are neglected for monetary reasons and the huge hospital bills from the regular visits. However if you put your trust in the right insurance plans from the start that would help in loosening your financial distress can help you and your loved ones focus more on being in the right state of mind for prioritising their health and getting better.

Coverage offered by Care Health Insurance for these diseases

List of Diseases Covered By Care Health Insurance Plans

Care health insurance offers plans and policies for people from all age groups. It provides active policies for a lifetime starting from age 5, as per your interests and renewals after expiration of the ongoing policy and covers self, spouse, parents, siblings, first degree relatives and any other relationship with an insurance interest. For anyone dealing with the above mentioned chronic illnesses following are the plans offered by Care Health Insurance.

  • Care Critical Mediclaim: With chronic disorders at a constant rise, having financial help can be a huge asset. With Care Critical Mediclaim a relief from the financial stress is offered that covers chronic disorders as pre defined under the policy. Assistance is offered in covering hospitalisation expenses and the scope is extended up to covering the extensive treatment options as well for the included 32 illnesses, including chemotherapy, dialysis, organ donor expense, psychiatric counselling, ambulance cover, and post hospitalisation.
  • Heart Mediclaim: Since in recent times major accidents and disorders are concerned with the most important organ of our body, the heart, having a mediclaim for its security is of utmost importance. Heart Mediclaim covers 16 major illnesses relating to heart, covering expenses for the treatments as pre defined in the policy, including doctor on call, pre hospitalisation, daycare treatment, post hospitalisation, ambulance cover, annual health checkup cover, with lifelong renewability.
  • Health Insurance for Cancer: After Cardiac problems, Cancer has become the second most deadliest reason making the life of the affected and the caregivers miserable. With treatment of cancer and recovery already being very hard and traumatic for the patients and caregivers to cope with, the expense management is another hassle. However, this particular health insurance for cancer offered provides relief in at least managing the expenses, covering chemotherapy and radiotherapy, ambulance cover, day care treatment, alternative treatment, organ donor cover, second opinion, and annual health checkup.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned diseases may or may not be covered in every health insurance policy offered by Care Health Insurance. Hence, before buying a Care health insurance policy, it is recommended to go through the plan brochure for a better understanding of the inclusions and exclusions and go for a plan that suits your requirements the best. In case of any doubt or query, you can also reach out to the experts at InsuranceDekho and share your requirements. They will not only suggest the best policy as per your requirements but also help you buy that. Rest assured, you will stay protected at all times.

Also Read: Advantages of Buying Health Insurance from Care Health Insurance


Ques 1: Who should buy Health insurance?

Ans: If you have a family history of any particular chronic disorder that makes you more prone to it is a good enough reason for you to consider taking health insurance. 

Sole breadwinners of the family, who are primarily taking care of their families only by themselves, for monetary security and for taking care of their family should also look into the policies offered.

Senior citizens over 60 years of age, people working in harmful situations, and other lot more prone can opt for the same as well too.

Ques 2: Can you buy a Critical illness mediclaim after being diagnosed?

Ans: Yes, following the terms and conditions as per mentioned in the policy opted.

Ques 3: How is Critical Mediclaim different from health insurance?

Ans: Health insurance may cover day care and OPD expenses but miss out on some critical illnesses, which is covered under Critical Mediclaim.

Ques 4: What is the eligibility for buying critical illness insurance?

Ans: Anyone above 5 years of age is eligible with lifetime continuity. 

Ques 5: Can you cover your family members in the insurance?

Ans: Yes, first degree relatives (including mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, and grandmother), as well as your spouse are covered.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


Written by Kritika Singh

Kritika Singh is a marketing professional with over 10 years of work experience in the field of insurtech, health, FMCG, renewables, and public policy. KrRead More

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