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Learn everything there is to know about HDFC Optima Secure Health Insurance.

On the face of it, Optima Secure seems like it's the total package. Limited restrictions, comprehensive protection, and will even pay out for outpatient consultations, upto a certain limit. But unfortunately, it comes with two caveats. You will have to settle for a single private room (if opting for a cover up to 50 lakh) and it is expensive.

Learn everything there is to know about HDFC Optima Secure Health Insurance.

Benefits Of HDFC Optima Secure Health Insurance Policy

1. You’ll never have to split the bill

The insurer will bear the entire cost of treatment (up to the sum insured). You won’t have to pay a single penny. Meaning this policy has no co-payment.

2. You always have full cover irrespective of the disease

No funny business here. If your insurer hasn’t explicitly stated they won’t cover a certain illness, you can claim the full amount up to the sum insured, irrespective of the disease you’re dealing with. Meaning this policy doesn't impose the dreaded disease wise sub-limits.

3. Pre & Post hospitalization expenses covered

No worries if the doctor had to run a host of diagnostic tests before or after hospitalizing you. The insurer has your back. They will cover this amount in full for a pretty reasonable duration - 60 days before you are hospitalized and 180 days after discharge. This includes the cost of medication by the way.

4. Good Restoration Benefit

Even after you claim part of the cover on one occasion, you will have 100% of the cover restored, so that you can use this benefit in the event you have to endure multiple hospitalizations.

5. Day Care treatments covered

If you’re hospitalized for less than 24 hours in lieu of a minor procedure, then the insurer will cover these costs too. Think dialysis, chemotherapy or minor surgeries.

6. Special Bonus for being healthy and not claiming insurance

Your sum insured increases by 50% each year, so long as you make no claims during this period. But before you get too ahead of yourself, do note that they’ll stop offering you the bonus when your sum insured increases by 100%. But hey, it's still a bonus.

7. Free Health Checkups every year

If you’re planning on getting a full body checkup every year just to make sure you’re in fine working condition, the insurer will cover the costs.

8. Covers Alternative Medicine

Think of getting Ayurvedic, Homeopathic or other alternative treatments to cure an illness? Your insurer will cover you fully, up to the sum insured.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does Optima Secure have waiting periods?

Yes. Optima Secure imposes 3 kinds of waiting periods -
30-Day Waiting Period: Hospitalizations won’t be covered for the first 30 days of the policy unless it’s an accident.
Specific Illness Waiting Period: There’s a 2-year waiting period for a list of diseases which is a mandate before you can start claiming.
Pre-Existing Disease Waiting Period: There's a 3-year waiting period for any pre-existing disease you may have while buying the policy.

2. Does Optima Secure have room rent restrictions?

Yes. Optima Secure lets you stay in a single private room, shared space, or the general ward. In case your room exceeds the limit, you’d have to share costs with the insurer.

3. Does Optima Secure offer a restoration benefit?

Yes, Optima Secure does offer a restoration benefit. You will have 100% of the cover restored, so that you can use this benefit in the event you have to endure multiple hospitalizations, in a policy year.

4. Does Optima Secure cover AYUSH treatments?

Yes. Optima Secure does cover AYUSH Treatments.

5. Does Optima Secure offer a bonus?

Yes. Optima Secure offers a no-claim bonus. Every year, you go without making a claim, your sum insured grows by 50% up to a maximum of 100% of the sum insured.


Optima Secure is made available for those aged between 18 years and 65 years. For dependent children, the age limit ranges between 91 days and 25 years.

Also Read: What Should I Know Before Purchasing Health Insurance?

Obtain A Health-care Plan That Includes A Preventive Guide


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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