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Is The Covid Vaccine Safe In The Long Term?

With the second wave of the pandemic raging and covid vaccination drives going on at the same time, we all have so many doubts on what to do. Moreover, many of us have read about and wondered whether the vaccination for COVID-19 comes with any side effects, especially in the long term. Such concerns are normal and understandable. But with so much chatter on the subject all around us, it can be easy to be swept away by false news that only further increases anxiety among people. Hence, in this article, we will attempt to answer these concerns with expert opinions on the subject.

Are There Any Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

The process of developing and testing a vaccine before it can be used is a long and arduous process. Moreover, it ensures that the vaccine is safe for use before it is given to the public. Similarly, with the COVID-19 vaccines, scientists have been conducting tests to ensure they are safe for many months. The serious side effects of the vaccine have been found to be extremely rare. Moreover, studies of vaccine side effects have shown that the side effects occur within a few months of receiving the vaccine. Thus, the stringent testing requirements are in place for vaccine development. Hence, you can rest assured that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe to take. With that said, every vaccine has mild side effects that are temporary and the COvID-19 vaccines are no exception.

What are the Side Effects of Covaxin?

Following are the possible side effects of Covaxin:

  • Pain, swelling and redness at the site of the injection
  • Weakness and stiffness of the arm that received the injection
  • Body aches
  • Headaches
  • Malaise
  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Nausea and vomiting

What are the Side Effects of Covidshield?

Following are the side effects of Covidshield:

  • Tenderness at the injection point
  • Pain, warmth, itching, swelling, bruising at the site of the injection 
  • Fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Nausea
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Lump at the site of the injection
  • Flu-like symptoms, runny nose, sore throat, and cough which are temporary

All the symptoms mentioned as side-effects of the vaccine are mild to moderate. If you feel that they are severe or worrisome for any reason, make sure to reach out to a doctor.

Is The Covid Vaccine Safe In The Long-Term?

The COVID-19 pandemic is in a way an unprecedented event. Moreover, the vaccine though thoroughly tested has not been around long enough for there to be a clear-cut answer to the long-term effects. However, since there have been more than 200 million people who have been administered the vaccine since December 2020 across the world and have shown little to no side effects there is little reason to worry about its side effects. Moreover, the COVID-19 vaccines have shown excellent safety results during their clinical trials.

What’s more, once a vaccine has been released for public use it goes through continuous monitoring to ensure that it is safe and continues to be for the people taking it.

Should I Take the COVID-19 Vaccine When My Turn Comes?

The COVID-19 Vaccine is the only resource we have right now for preventing the virus from spreading and lowering the death toll in the country. Even if it does not prevent the COVID-19 disease it will significantly lower its symptoms once the vaccine has been taken. Moreover, do not worry about which vaccine you are receiving. All of them are thoroughly tested, safe and effective. Take whichever vaccine is available to you. The COVID-19 vaccine is still limited and is being distributed in a staggered manner. Thus, everyone must wait their turn. However, when your turn arrives, make sure to take the vaccine. 

Take Away

In a nutshell, though the COVID-19 vaccines have not been around long enough to know the long-term effects in a concrete manner, the vaccine is safe. It has been administered to millions of people across the world and has had no side effects. Secondly, the vaccine continues to be studied and closely monitored by scientists. Hence, any safety hazards can be easily noticed. When you get your chance to get the vaccine make sure to take it. All of the different kinds of vaccines that have been developed are equally good and effective. Thus, take whatever you are being offered at the time. 

Read More: 

How to Get Vaccinated for Covid-19?

Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19

Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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