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Is Pfizer Effective?

The waves of coronavirus disease have adversely impacted the day to day lives of the people. It has made it difficult for the people to continue living their normal life with interaction and usual commutation. Due to the global pandemic, several large economies were shut down, industries were abandoned, lockdown was implemented and much more. Nationwide lockdowns have been imposed to protect the people from the spread of this contagious virus and various other precautionary measures have been implemented seriously like the wearing of masks, use of hand sanitizers, maintaining of social distancing, and a lot more. Vaccines have been introduced by different brands in a short period of time as a hope of recovery for the world. The vaccines that are currently in circulation have got a thumbs up by WHO and other well-known medical institutes.

Among the list of prominent vaccines is Pfizer which is widely in use in the US. The vaccine has been doing its job well, which is to develop the immunity of the individuals such that they can recognize and fight the coronavirus cells in the body when attacked. In the US it has been approved for people above the age of 16. The medical experts have recommended to follow the government issued guidelines in order to avoid the spread of the virus as there are several other variants which the vaccine might not recognize to fight for the protection of the human body. Since, the vaccine has been introduced in a short period of time for the emergency purpose, there are several trials that are being made currently like the dosage for pregnant women, people with allergies, and people with chronic diseases. The modifications and upgrades in the working of the vaccines are being made from time to time for the updated protection of the people in the world.

Is Pfizer Effective?

About Pfizer Vaccine

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for coronavirus has been approved for people aged 16 and above. It was approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), after which the vaccine was branded for market supply. It is provided to the people in two dose schedules with a gap of 21 days between the two doses. With some side effects that are quite common among a large population, this vaccine is completely effective after two weeks of getting the second dose.

Must read: Coronavirus Vaccine: What You Can And Cannot Do After Getting Vaccinated?

Working of The Pfizer Vaccine

Pfizer vaccine works with the applications of the new technology by acting as a messenger of mRNA. It delivers a tiny piece of the genetic code from SARS-COV-2 virus to the host cells in the human body, which helps the host cells to develop immunity to recognize and fight against the coronavirus cells. It makes the replicas of the spike proteins that penetrate and infect the host cells and stimulate an immune response. These replicas help in recognizing and responding if the body is infected with the actual coronavirus.

Effectiveness of The Pfizer Vaccine

Based on the clinical tests and trials, this vaccine was 95% effective in people of age 16 years and above. It was the vase with the people who had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and were never infected with the coronavirus in the past. Clinical trials for people of age 12 to 15 years were also effective and the immune system was as strong as that of the adults, but the vaccine was not approved for that age group. Various updates and researches are being conducted and the changes will be introduced when made.

Side Effects of Pfizer Vaccine

The side effects are quite similar and common in all the people receiving the COVID-19 vaccine which includes redness or swelling in the arms, fatigue, chills, fever, body pain, headache, etc. more details regarding such medical conditions can be received from the medical experts at the time of receiving the vaccine.


Pfizer is like any other vaccine and has a good rate of effectiveness among a large population. It is important for everyone to follow the guidelines like wearing masks and maintaining social distancing even after taking the doses of the vaccine.

Also Read: Does Covid Vaccine Provide Lifelong Protection?
Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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