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Is New India Health Insurance Good?

Being the largest government owned general insurers, New India Assurance Company definitely has become the best choice for many of us. A plethora of health insurance products are offered by this Company at a very competitive rate for both individuals as well as for family (family floater). The New India Assurance Company also reimburses the cost of medical check-up. Various other benefits such as hospital cash for a maximum of 10 days is offered. It also offers a grace period of 30 days from the due date of the health insurance policy. The health insurance plans offered here can be renewed lifelong. It covers pre-existing conditions post 4 years of waiting period from the date of policy issuance.

New India Assurance also offers the facility of online renewal of health insurance plans at the convenience of your home and office, within a few minutes. People also feel safe and secure to invest in a health insurance plan with New India Assurance since it is fully owned by our Indian government.

Is New India Health Insurance Good?

Benefits of New India Health Insurance

  1. No. of members: The plan covers maximum 6 members of your family with up to 4 children and 2 adults.
  2. Lifelong Renewal: The plans offered are lifelong renewable, hence it saves you from the financial burden and stress caused by a medical emergency and keeps you well prepared to handle any situation.
  3. Pre & Post hospitalization cover: The plan covers medical expenses for 30 days prior to hospitalization and 60 days post hospitalization only for related medical expenses.
  4. Health Check-ups: Offers health check - up costs at the end of three claim free years.
  5. Pre-existing diseases: Pre-existing diseases are covered after 4 years of waiting period
  6. Fully owned by the Indian Government and is one of the biggest insurance providers in the public sector. Being a public sector company automatically makes it more trustworthy. This is backed by the fact that they have an AAA/Stable rating from CRISIL, which is a testament to their great financial health and their ability to fulfill their customers' claims.

What is Covered in New India Assurance Health Policy?

The New India Assurance Health Plan offers the below benefits:

  1. Offers newborn from the date of birth without any waiting period
  2. Offers coverage for ICU charges for each hospitalized day up to 2% of the total sum assured
  3. Offers coverage for room and nursing charges up to 1% of the total sum assured including the charges for IV Fluids, blood transfusion, RMO, etc.
  4. Offers coverage for specified day care procedures
  5. Offers coverage for ambulance charges up to 1% of the total sum assured
  6. Offers coverage for pre as well as post hospitalization expenses
  7. Offers coverage for 11 critical illnesses specified in the policy document
  8. Offers AYUSH treatment up to 25% of the total sum assured at a centre run by Indian government
  9. New India Assurance Mediclaim Top up plan offers the get well benefit depending on the threshold amount opted for
  10. The New India Mediclaim 2007 policy offers benefits such as good health discounts, loyalty discounts as well as expenses related to reimbursement of health check.

What is Not Covered in New India Assurance Health Policy?

The New India Assurance Health policy doesn’t offer coverage under the below conditions:

  1. Non-medical expenses: Registration charges
  2. Out-of-scope: HIV, adventure sports and unproven medical procedures
  3. Illegal reasons: Self-inflicted injuries, drugs, alcohol abuse
  4. Non-medical expenses: Registration charges


New India Assurance, being one of the major and oldest general insurance companies in India, is more widespread than any other health insurance player. With remarkable financial health, their capability to fulfill their customers' claims is undeniable. However, for those who would not appreciate the sub-limits on the room rent and co-payment clause in their policy, this may not be the right option.

Also Read: 

Learn About The Problems With Cashless Mediclaim


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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