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Is Lasik Eye Surgery Covered In Health Insurance?

Health insurance policies are designed to give policyholders financial assistance to cover potential medical costs that arise during hospitalization due to a medical emergency. 

The cost of basic care at private hospitals has grown due to the sudden increase in inflation in the health industry, forcing non-policyholders to exhaust their savings.

Is Lasik Eye Surgery Covered In Health Insurance?

Therefore, in order to protect individuals from draining their finances, health insurance providers have rolled out comprehensive and affordable health insurance plans. 

Besides covering medical expenses like hospitalisation costs, domiciliary expenses, inpatient costs, ambulance charges, room rentals, and other expenses, it also offers perks like no-claim bonuses, rewards, discounts, tax deductions, and much more. You can also buy a health insurance plan to get coverage for a specific pre-existing disease. 

Individuals with complaints of blurry or cloudy vision undergo Lasik eye surgery. The 30-minute surgery is done with the help of technological advancements. It is critical to have Lasik surgery because it improves eye quality and provides the individual with clear vision. Patients are advised to seek medical advice regarding the eligibility of the process before undergoing the surgical procedure. Also, a few days of rest is recommended post-surgery.

The cost of the surgery, along with other expenses, can be incurred by the health insurance plans bought by the individuals.

Individuals with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are treated with Lasik eye surgery. The surgery is done with a complex procedure and it takes around 30 minutes to complete the procedure using advanced technology. The first step in this procedure entails a medical examination of the eye condition by specialists and eligibility verification. It is considered to be one of the most effective treatments for better vision as it helps people regain their perfect vision. 

The cost of Lasik eye surgery can drain your savings during the treatment process in private hospitals. Hence, some health insurance companies include the Lasik eye surgery cost in their regular health insurance plans to offer a financial backup at an affordable price. The average cost of Lasik surgery can range from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 80,000, which may be a huge amount for middle-class individuals. 

It is crucial to invest in a health insurance plan that covers laser eye surgery costs and study the documents of the purchased policy. Also, to choose a suitable plan covering Lasik eye surgery, you must compare and research various plans online as not all plans cover the Lasik eye surgery cost. The age of 18 to 40 years is generally considered ideal for Lasik surgery, and the other eligibility criteria depend on the condition of your vision.

Inclusions In Health Insurance Coverage For Lasik Eye Surgery

There are some basic inclusions in the health insurance plans for Lasik eye surgery coverage. Following are the conditions for which coverage under a health insurance plan can be availed for Lasik eye surgery:

  • Eye surgery due to refractive error caused by an injury or accident.
  • Eye surgery due to refractive error caused by another surgery.
  • Eye surgery for severe refractive error.

Along with the basic inclusions, also make sure to carefully go through the policy terms and the exclusions so that there is no inconvenience at the time of the claim settlement process.


Lasik surgeries are covered by health insurance plans, but only through certain health insurance providers. Along with the basic coverage, there are additional policy requirements that the policyholder must adhere to receive the advantages of the Lasik eye surgery coverage under your health insurance plan.

Also Read: Is Cataract Surgery Covered In Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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