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Is It Wise To Choose A Health Card Over OPD Insurance?

The rising threat of unknown and sudden illnesses have been particularly concerning over recent years. To ensure that you have sufficient funds to avail yourself of the best healthcare facilities, it is important to buy a health insurance plan. 

A health insurance plan has become a crucial purchase for all individuals. However, it is important to choose the right health insurance plan. Health insurance is not cheap. Therefore, it is crucial you choose the adequate cover according to your needs and circumstances. 

What is a Health Card?

Policyholders of a health insurance plan are issued a health card if they pay a regular membership fee. The health card contains information about the medical history of a policyholder. A health card comes into use when the policyholder has to avail of the benefits of the plan. If you have a health card with you, you can visit any medical centre without hassle as your medical history can be easily accessed and so can your insurance benefits, if and when required. 

What is an Out-Patient Department (OPD) Benefit?

An Out-Patient Department (OPD) benefit can be purchased as a benefit to a regular health insurance plan. This benefit covers expenses that have been incurred besides the hospitalisation fees. This includes cover for such facilities as diagnostic tests, health check-ups, medicine purchase bills etc. The cost of the OPD benefit is usually based on the age of the insured and is quite costly.

Is It Wise To Choose A Health Card Over OPD Insurance?

Why is it Wise to Choose a Health Card over OPD Insurance?

A health insurance plan needs the investment of quite a lot of your savings. However, the benefits and importance of it are equally crucial. This is why you must carefully choose. Here are some reasons why it might be wiser to choose a health card over OPD insurance:

  • More Cost Effective

    A health card is more affordable and cost-effective than an OPD benefit. This is because health cards are more comprehensive and cheaper than OPD benefits. With a health card, you can avail yourself of the benefits of your policy anywhere and at any time. It is especially useful during emergencies because it diligently informs your doctor about your medical history. On the other hand, an OPD benefit might not be that useful as it provides cover for contingencies that are either more affordable than the benefit itself or are not that frequently in use. 
  • More Frequently in Use

    A health card is more comprehensive than an OPD benefit. It covers multiple benefits under a single plan. You can choose to add on more benefits. However, the benefits that are covered under OPD might be of the most use. Cover for diagnostic tests, medicine costs etc., although useful for policyholders who have terminal or critical illnesses, might not be the most useful for everyone. In this way, a health card has more widespread use. 
  • More Accessible

    A health card might also be more accessible than a health insurance plan with OPD benefits. Health insurance plans often have many exclusions or it might be difficult for someone to get a health insurance plan approved. It is comparatively easier to get a health card with a regular membership fee.

Also Read: Benefits of Purchasing Health Insurance With OPD Cover

Know About OPD Cover in a Health Insurance Plan


The above pointers are some benefits of choosing a health card over an OPD benefit. However, the ultimate decision should lie in your individual needs and conditions. In general, a health card is more affordable and versatile than an OPD benefit which is why it might be wiser to choose it. 

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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