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Is It Possible To Get COVID-19 After Getting Fully Vaccinated?

The COVID-19 vaccination drive has been opened to citizens above the age of 18+ years of age since May 2021 in the country. This is the second phase of providing vaccination to the entire country. This also means that there are many people who have completed their second dose of COVID-19 vaccination. However, does this mean that those who are completely vaccinated cannot get sick? In this article, we will try to clear your doubts in this matter.

Can People Get Sick With COVID-19 After Getting Fully Vaccinated?

Yes, it is possible for those who are fully vaccinated to contract the COVID-19 virus and in some cases, they even experience moderate to severe symptoms and can prove fatal. 

Does This Mean That The Vaccine is Not Effective?

The COVID-19 vaccine is effective. The people who are affected by the virus even after being fully vaccinated are an extremely small percentage and are called ‘vaccine breakthrough cases’. Moreover, in most cases where the vaccinated person does show symptoms of COVID-19, they are much milder than they would have been without the vaccine.  Some people may also be fully vaccinated, have an infection but not show any of the symptoms of COVID-19.

What are the Reasons A Fully Vaccinated Person Might Get COVID-19?

1. If the person is exposed to the COVID-19 virus less than two weeks after their second dose of vaccination they can still get sick. This is because it takes the body at least two weeks to build protection against the virus after being vaccinated.

2. In certain cases, where there are new variants of the virus, the COVID-19 illness might cause the vaccine to be ineffective even if the person is fully vaccinated.

Also Read: How COVID-19 Compares Against Other Killer Diseases in India

Ways You Need To Take Care Of Yourself After Testing Negative For Covid-19


In a nutshell, since it is still possible to get ill after taking both doses of the vaccination people are advised to continue to take necessary precautions. This includes maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask, keeping up hand hygiene, and avoiding crowded spaces as much as possible. Moreover, health departments all over the world are also investigating the COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases to find the commonalities and possible reasons why some people are still getting the disease. Lastly, the small number of people getting the disease after getting vaccinated should not deter you from getting the vaccine yourself. As mentioned before, even among the small number of people who did get the disease after being vaccinated, it managed to bring down the severity of the symptoms significantly.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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