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Is Dermatology Covered by Health Insurance Plans?

Skin problems can be a terrible deal to live with. They are not only irritating and bothersome but in severe cases can lead to even fatalness like in the case of skin cancer. Moreover, to leave any skin problem is only giving them permission to grow more severe. This is why you must always treat dermatological problems right away. 

Is Dermatology Covered by Health Insurance Plans?

Is Dermatology Covered by Health Insurance Plans?

Dermatology is a specific branch of medical science that focuses on the treatment of skin concerns. This not only includes minor skin problems like acne, rashes or scarring, but also more severe skin diseases like skin cancer and dermatitis. From diagnosis to treatment, all procedures regarding skin health and problems are included in dermatology. Coming to the question of whether dermatology is covered by health insurance, in short, yes, it is.

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Although skin problems may seem trivial to other types of medical concern, they are just as concerning if not more. Moreover, they are also very costly, which makes a health insurance policy extremely helpful. The exact coverage provided by a health insurance policy for dermatology differs from one insurance provider to another. Dermatological concerns may also be filed against critical illness cover, cancer cover, consultation cover and other such benefits. This mainly depends on the type of concern and the coverage provided by the health insurance company. Make sure to thoroughly read the terms and conditions of your policy documents to ensure you do not lose on, on any benefits. 

Dermatological Concerns not Covered by Health Insurance Plans

Most skin diseases and problems are covered by health insurance plans including, but not limited to skin scar removal, skin allergies, keloid scars, acne, skin cancer and more. Both surgical methods as well as medication may be covered under the policy. However, there are also some skin concerns that are not covered by health insurance policies. These are mostly cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic procedures such as Botox, tattoo removal, laser treatments, cosmetic surgery or any other such procedure will not avail a health insurance policy of benefits as they are not considered as immediate health issues. 

Skin Cancer as Covered by Health Insurance Policies

If you are suffering from skin cancer already, by the time you are buying the health insurance policy, it will fall under the pre-existing diseases section. In that case, there is a time period, usually between 1 to up to 5 years, before which you cannot make any claims against the health insurance policy. In general, the waiting period for skin cancer, when it is not a pre-existing disease, is up to 2 years. In case you make a claim against a critical illness cover for benefits related to skin cancer, the waiting period is yet again reduced to 90 days only. 

Take Away

Dermatological concerns should never be ignored or dismissed because they can only fester and grow even more concerning. Moreover, it might get costlier to treat them as well! Worsening of the skin problem can lead to stress and even depression due to its public nature. Therefore, it is best to avail of the benefits that are provided under health insurance policies for dermatology to get the right treatment at the right time. They are easily available under most health insurance policies and only need to be claimed when required by the policyholder or subject insured. 

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 Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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