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Is Cataract Surgery Covered In Health Insurance?

Health insurance plans cover different types of diseases under the coverage. They provide for the medical dues that can incur due to the treatment of certain diseases. The health insurance policies also provide for expenses like pre and post hospitalization, ambulance costs, room rents, medication support, inpatient costs, domiciliary expenses, and much more. Depending on the type of plan chosen by the policyholder, the inclusions within the health insurance policies differ. However, for specific coverage of certain diseases critical illness plans, maternity benefit covers, personal accident plans, and much more can be considered.

Like any other disease, cataract surgery is also compensated for by the health insurance plans. It comes with a certain waiting period and is a very common disorder among a large population in our country. The treatment of cataract disorder can burn a hole in the patients pocket, as the cost of treatment in the private hospitals have hiked due to the rapid rise in inflation in the health sector. Therefore, health insurance plans provide financial aid to the policyholders for their treatment of cataract. Before investing in a particular health insurance plan you must make sure that the plan covers for the expenses of the cataract surgery.

Is Cataract Surgery Covered In Health Insurance?

About Cataract Surgery

Cataracts cause cloudy vision in individuals which affects the normal vision of the people by making everything appear blurry. A layer above the eye lens makes the vision unclear which can lead to loss of vision after a certain period of time if not treated. Therefore, surgeries are conducted to remove the cloudy layers from the eye lens of the individual and this surgery can cost around Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 80,000 in India, which is a high price for people from different groups in the society. There are different types of cataracts which can possibly occur to an individual. If a person in late adulthood suffers from cataract, then it is advisable to invest in a senior citizen plan for them as it not only covers the expenses of the surgery but also includes the hospitalization costs, post-surgery, medical expenses, and much more.

Must Read: Importance of Health Insurance for Cataract Treatment Surgery in India

Why Get Cataract Surgery?

It is necessary for an individual to undergo a cataract surgery once diagnosed with cataracts, due to the following reasons:

  • Vision Restoration

Cataract surgeries make the vision clear and it takes around 30 mins for the doctor to perform it on the patient. There are no side effects of this surgery and it does not require any special medical hospitalization post-surgery. The patient is required to rest for a few days before resuming day to day activities.

  • Prevents Loss of Sight

If cataracts are not treated in time, then it can lead to partial or complete blindness of the patients. Therefore, you must get it treated as soon as possible and let the insurance policy incur your dues.

  • Improve Quality of Life

It improves the vision and clarity of the patient and gives the patient a clear view of the world, thus enhancing the quality of life of the individual.

Cataract Surgery Under Health Insurance Plans

Before availing the coverage benefits of cataract surgery the patient has to go through the waiting period of the plan which is generally 2 years from the date of start of the policy. However, the specifications regarding the coverage of cataract can differ from one plan to the other. The claim limit of the cataract plans are decided by the insurer and some group health insurance plans also cover the cataract surgery expenses.


You must go through the policy terms carefully to make sure that your purchased health insurance plans cover the cataract surgery expenses. You can invest in a suitable health insurance plan only after analyzing your requirements and financial budget. With the help and support of the health insurance plans, you must get the cataract treated as early as possible to prevent the loss of vision.

Also Read: Does Health Insurance Cover Cosmetic Surgery?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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