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Infosys, Accenture to Cover COVID-19 Vaccination Costs for Indian Employees

In the latest reports, Infosys and Accenture have planned to cover the cost of COVID-19 vaccination for their employees in India. The news has come up as the country is expanding its massive vaccination drive. It must be noted that the world’s largest Covid-19 vaccination drive in India moved to another level this Monday. Covid-19 vaccine administration of people above the age of 60 years and individuals 45 years or older suffering from certain medical conditions started on March 1.

According to the Indian government, coronavirus vaccines administered at government health facilities will be free. However, private facilities will charge 250 rupees per dose of the covid-19 vaccine. 

In an emailed statement, Pravin Rao, CEO, Infosys stated that the company is looking forward to being partners with healthcare providers to get all Indian employees vaccinated and their immediate families made eligible for the same as per the guidelines given by the Indian government and as per approved procedures & timelines. He confirmed that Infosys will cover the vaccination costs as part of the company’s focus on health and wellness. On the other hand, Accenture will cover coronavirus vaccination costs for employees and eligible dependents who choose to receive the vaccine. 

Also Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

As of today, the Indian government has procured Covishield and Covaxin, the two COVID-19 vaccines at fixed rates and distributed them without any charges. 

It must be noted that numerous companies, including autos-to-technology conglomerate Mahindra Group as well as the leading consumer goods giant ITC Ltd had already started considering the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines for their employees as early as in January.

You May Also Like To Read: Does Covid Vaccine Provide Lifelong Protection?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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