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Individual health Plans Vs Family Floater Health Plans

For everybody, being in a perfect medical state is a precious asset. One's well-being should come before all other considerations. Maintaining your health is challenging, but not impossible. It is essential to have healthcare coverage as soon as you can. Paying a minimal sum in the form of a premium for healthcare coverage is the sole way to obtain medical insurance. Getting health insurance early ensures that you are protected heading forward. 

However, maintaining your wellness is considerably more crucial. Healthcare coverage can help to lessen this risk. The expense of insurance has significantly increased recently, and family medical insurance coverage offers the necessary security to cover these expenditures. Continue reading to learn further regarding the differences between family floater policy and individual healthcare coverage.

Individual health Plans Vs Family Floater Health Plans

Individual Healthcare Coverage

  • An individual health insurance policy, as the name implies, provides insurance for just one person. It does not include protection for both you and your loved ones under a sole policy instead, it provides you with individual policies that individually provide insurance for all necessary medical expenses.
  • This kind of insurance is ideal if you simply require coverage for your own personal medical requirements or if you wish to safeguard your elderly parents (because health concerns and related medical expenditures double beyond a certain age).

Family Floater Health Care Coverage

A family floater healthcare coverage policy covers you and your loved ones in a single policy. The yearly premium of healthcare coverage and the overall insured amount covered would be split between all the members of the family.

The economic hardship brought on by today's healthcare costs is a major source of anxiety for Indian families. In these situations, a family floater healthcare coverage policy could be a wise choice for your financial situation as well as your general wellbeing.

Family Floater Vs. Individual Health Insurance: What's The Difference?

Following are some key points of differences between individuals health plans and family floater health plans - 

  1. Coverage- The main covered person, his/her life partner, and 2 dependent kids are all considered covered members of the family floater policy and are therefore eligible for perks according to a floater plan. But, several healthcare companies are prepared to give coverage for 3 - 4 kids, siblings, and parents of your partner. As the name implies, a single individual is a sole person covered by an individual healthcare coverage plan.
  2. Sum Assured- The whole family is covered by a single amount in a sole family floater insurance. Anyone or everyone in the family may utilise the full amount insured. It would continue to decrease whenever a family member submits a claim. The covered amount is not limited to a single person, unlike individual healthcare insurance. In an individual healthcare policy, when anyone in the family files a claim, the remaining members' total sum insured is unaffected.
  3. Insurance Premium- Family floater insurance premiums are calculated according to the age of the eldest covered member of the family. The charges will be based on the person's age because individual healthcare plans are only available for one person. For families that are young, family floater insurance is typically a more cost-effective solution. Individual plans could be a preferable choice if the oldest member of the family has a health problem or illness.


The premium of insurance should not be the sole factor taken into account while deciding between these two options. In essence, family floater healthcare protects everyone in the household under a single policy, whereas individual healthcare covers just the person. The best strategy might be to focus on obtaining the most out of both plans by insuring every member of the family. Find out more about both, then decide which is ideal for both you and your loved ones.

Also Read: Key Things To Ask Before Buying A Health Insurance Plan

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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