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Individual health insurance plans from Tata AIG

TATA AIG General Insurance offers a variety of health insurance policies for individuals, families, women, and older citizens, as well as coverage for particular diseases and severe illnesses. To ensure a quick, efficient, and hassle-free claim settlement procedure for its consumers, the insurer maintains tie-ups with more than 3,000 hospitals in its network of cashless hospitals.

Individual health insurance plans from Tata AIG

TATA AIG Health Insurance Plan 

TATA AIG Health Insurance has several excellent health insurance options to choose from. The following are the company's most popular health insurance plans:

TATA AIG Medicare Health Insurance Plan

TATA AIG Medicare is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand health insurance coverage. In addition to in-patient, pre-and post-hospitalization expenditures paid in India, the plan also covers medical expenses incurred by the covered individual for inpatient and daycare hospitalization outside India, provided that the diagnosis was made in India. The TATA AIG Medicare Health Insurance plan also covers the costs of bariatric surgery for obesity treatment and weight loss. The plan also includes immunization coverage and compassionate travel coverage, which pays up to rs. 20,000 for a round-trip economy class plane ticket or first-class train ticket for an immediate family member to be at the insured person's bedside during his hospital stay.

TATA AIG MediPlus Health Insurance Plan

It is a supplement plan that offers additional coverage in the event of a medical emergency, allowing you to live a carefree life. The TATA AIG Mediplus top-up plan functions as a safety net, protecting the policyholder and their loved ones from unexpected medical expenses. From a 91-day-old infant to individuals who are 65 years old, it is covered. This top-up package may cover a maximum of seven individuals. In-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization, post-hospitalization, organ transplant, daycare operations, dental treatments, and domiciliary therapy are all covered under the plan. This plan's highlights include a simple claim procedure, easy portability, lifelong renewal, and up to Rs. 2,000 in ambulance expenses coverage.

TATA AIG MediSenior Health Insurance Plan

It is a senior citizen health insurance plan that attempts to provide the policyholder and their spouse with appropriate medical treatment as well as financial support. This plan covers organ donation costs, in-home medical treatments, in-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization, post-hospitalization, and daycare procedures. Ambulance fees up to Rs. 2,000 each hospitalization is also covered by the program. You may have your TATA AIG Medisenior coverage for as long as you like, and even raise your sum guaranteed, all while having a hassle-free claim settlement.

TATA AIG Health Insurance Critical Illness Policy

Heart attack, cancer, stroke, open chest CABG, kidney failure, organ transplant, bone marrow transplant, blindness, coma, major burns, Multiple Sclerosis, and paralysis are among the 11 serious illnesses covered by this plan. This plan also covers the costs of obtaining a second opinion from a doctor or a hospital for a serious disease. With the 'Sum Insured Enhancement' feature of this plan, you may raise your coverage amount. The plan's most noticeable characteristic is that the complete coverage amount is delivered in one lump sum.

Take Away

You now have a better understanding of the many types of health insurance policies available in India. Determine which of these plans best meets your demands (budget, lifestyle, family members, etc.) and select a reputable insurance provider with a good claim settlement ratio. You can look at Tata AIG's Medicare health insurance coverage. Medicare, Medicare Premier, and Medicare Protect are the three options available. You may pick the plan that best suits your needs and offer total security for you and your family. Choose the correct health insurance coverage with caution.

Also Read: Must Have Add-on Covers For Health Insurance Policy


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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