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Indian Scientists Find Potential New Drugs For Covid Treatment

Indian scientists have found out potential drugs and cocktails, which are effective in targeting vital proteins of the coronavirus. The newly found drugs may be effective in treating Covid-19. The research published in the journal Scientific Reports made use of a virtual screening of the DrugBank database to identify a variety of unexplored means to attack SARS-CoV-2, even as it mutates. It is to be noted that the Drugbank database is a chemical space of compounds and molecules under drug trials. Drugbank database is approved by the FDA. 

A list of individual drugs & cocktails that require Covid-19 treatment testing was prepared. The list was proposed by the researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Alagappa University in Tamil Nadu. 

According to the researchers, a prime part of the study is the identification of drugs that target or bind to various proteins, essential for replicating the virus, and which are included in the initial stage of host-cell infection as well. 

The corresponding authors of the study, Vaibhav Srivastava and Arul Murugan stated that multi-targeting leads to an effective route to handle drug resistance, which would ultimately enable a drug to work around virus mutations. Vaibhav Srivastava said, "The virus is mutating at a rapid pace and modifying its proteins. Availability of a drug that can target several proteins, in case one becomes mutated will be extremely effective and successful.” 

The team also proposed a range of cocktails that have versatility. The proposed idea was cocktail, baloxavir marboxil, natamycin and RU85053, which targets the three viral proteins. As per the researchers, such drug cocktails have proven highly efficacious in treating other virally-transmitted diseases, like HIV.

Tivantinib, olaparib, sonidegib, zoliflodacin, golvatinib, regorafenib and PCO-371 are some of the other drugs that were recommended for testing. 

Listing of multi-targeting drugs such as DB04016, tadalafil, and phthalocyanine are also a part of the research. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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