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India Begins Export of Covid-19 Vaccines

Wednesday morning is significant for India as well as its neighbouring and key partner countries as the former has begun its Covid-19 vaccine export. India plans to provide up to 10 million doses of both Covidshield and Covaxin to mid- and lower-income countries. It is to be noted that Bangladesh, Bhutan, and the Maldives will be among the first neighbouring countries to receive Covid-19 vaccines from India as grant assistance.

According to various reports, 150,000 doses of Covishield will reach Bhutan on Wednesday. Another 100,000 doses of Covishield will be sent to the Maldives under emergency use approvals for vaccination of frontline and health workers and senior citizens.

The Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh, on its Facebook page said that India will be giving 2 million doses of Covishield as a “gift”.

India is to fulfill its commitment of using its vaccine production and delivery capacity to help its neighbours fight Covid-19 by supplying the novel coronavirus vaccine under grant assistance to Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, the Maldives, Myanmar and Seychelles. It must be noted that the supply will commence from Wednesday. The External Affairs Ministry informed that the country has also planned to provide the coronavirus vaccine to Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Mauritius post confirmation of necessary regulatory clearances.

Immunisation managers, cold chain officers, communications officers and data managers of recipient countries will be undergoing a training programme with regards to administrative and operational aspects on January 20.

Unlike other countries, Pakistan has not made any formal request to India for vaccines, making it the only country in the region unlikely to be an immediate beneficiary.

One of the major vaccine recipient’s Bangladesh will be receiving 2 two million Covishield doses, which are an addition to the 30 million doses that the government contracted for with Serum Institute in November, 2020. The other beneficiary Maldives has plans to purchase 300,000 Covishield doses at commercial rates.

You May Also Like To Read: Will COVID-19 Vaccine be Covered Under Health Insurance Plans?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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