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Importance Of The Second Opinion In Health Insurance

Whether it is education or medical assistance in cases of critical illnesses like cancer, we always look for better opportunities. We often are not satisfied with the consultation of one physician and start looking for a second opinion. There have been a lot of advanced diagnoses, treatments, and facilities introduced to treat life-threatening diseases like cancer. Therefore, general insurance companies provide second opinions on health insurance coverage for a few critical illnesses. Read on to know more about the second opinion add-on. 

Importance Of The Second Opinion In Health Insurance

Why is second opinion coverage needed in health insurance? 

With each passing day, the inflation rate is increasing in each sector, including health and wellness. Therefore, the need for a second opinion for the treatment of major illnesses may burn a hole in your pocket. This is when a second opinion on health insurance comes in handy as a financial ally. With this add-on, you need not stress about expensive doctor visits and other medical expenses. In addition to financial assistance, it will help you get the right consultation and more information regarding your illness. The different views and treatment methods may help you compare and decide which procedure is less risky and more effective. 

When Can You Use Medical Second Opinion Insurance?

Listed below are some scenarios under which patients may seek a second opinion. 

  • If you continue to experience symptoms despite receiving medical treatment. 
  • It is preferable to consult a physician with specialized knowledge and experience in treating critical illnesses. 
  • In the case of risk-associated procedures like surgery, it is preferable to get a second opinion to confirm that the treatment method chosen is the best one. 
  • Patients should seek a second opinion if they are dissatisfied with their doctor’s diagnosis and recommended course of treatment. 

Types Of Second Opinion Health Insurance Cover

Usually, insurance companies provide two types of second-opinion coverage under their standard health insurance policy. Find details below. 

  • Domestic Second Opinion Health Cover: Under this, the policyholder can take the second opinion of medical practitioners working within the country. For instance, if you are living in India, then you may take up a second opinion from an Indian doctor. 
  • International Second Opinion Health Cover: Here the policyholder can take a second opinion from foreign medical practitioners. The insurance companies books an appointment with the international doctors associated with them. However, you may have to pay a higher premium in this case. 

Which Conditions Does The Second Opinion Benefit Cover?

In the case of critical health conditions, there are a few insurance companies that provide cost-free second opinion coverage to the insured. Listed below are some of the diseases covered under second-opinion health insurance benefits. 

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Final-stage Renal failure
  • Final-stage Lung failure
  • Cancer
  • Coma
  • Major organ transplantation
  • Motor Neuron Disease
  • Full blindness
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  • Tumours
  • Paralysis 

Your insurance policy may cover the above-mentioned common diseases. However, this may vary from one insurer to another. 


You may benefit from second opinion coverage in many different ways. You can seek medical advice from two specialized doctors without any financial worries. In India, only a few insurance companies provide second-opinion coverage benefits. Therefore, prior to purchasing health insurance, always read the policy document carefully to understand if your insurance provider covers this benefit. 

Also Read: How to Pay for National Health Insurance Premiums Online?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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