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Impact of COVID-19 On Kidney Patients

Coronavirus has adversely impacted the day to day lives of a large population around the globe. Economies, work, education, socialization, usual life, and much more have been affected due to the spread of the global coronavirus. A lot of people were diagnosed with the coronavirus disease and many of them lost their lives due to lack of quality treatment and high costs of hospitalization in private hospitals. The health insurance providers rolled out policies with COVID-19 coverage to help people cover for their medical expenses at an affordable price. Adults and senior citizens were worst hit by the pandemic and people suffering from chronic diseases like kidney ailments, lund diseases, heart diseases, etc. were more vulnerable to this life-threatening spread of coronavirus.

People suffering from kidney and other chronic diseases are more vulnerable to COVID-19. The studies have not yet confirmed the possible reasons for this higher risk but, certain speculations have been made by the medical experts. The COVID-19 is a respiratory illness but it adversely impacts the other vital organs of the human body such as the kidney, liver, heart, brain, etc. People who are suffering from critical diseases are at a larger risk, as they have a low functioning immune system when compared to a normal healthy individual.

Impact of COVID-19 On Kidney Disease

There is nothing in particular that makes the kidney patients susceptible to the spread of the coronavirus. It is the continuous and regular interaction with the heat care system which makes people with chronic diseases more prone to get affected by COVID-19. Despite the fact that necessary distancing rules have been implemented and hygiene controls have been maintained, it does not make the people less prone to this disease spread. Therefore, it is up to the patient to take necessary measures in order to protect themselves from the threat of this coronavirus disease.

Must Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

A lot of people who have been admitted to the hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 have developed acute kidney injury (AKI), which is related to the sudden decline in the normal functioning of the kidneys. Such patients need immediate medical attention and dialysis sometimes. Therefore, patients with kidney diseases will worsen their condition if diagnosed with coronavirus. Hence, it is necessary to take precautionary measures to avoid the spread of the disease which can result in the sudden decline of the health of the individual.

Impact of COVID-19 On Kidney Patients

Ways In Which COVID-19 Affects The Kidneys

The precise causes and reasons for the decline in the condition of the kidneys due to the spread of the coronavirus are unclear, but possible speculations have been drawn out by the medical experts. Let us look at the possible reasons for the decline in the health of the kidneys due to the spread of the COVID-19:

  • Structure of The Kidney

Human body is abundant in the receptors called ACE2. SARS-CoV-2 virus cells have sticky spikes that attach themselves to the host cells, ACE2 in case of the human body, which makes the virus more dangerous and contagious.

  • Clotting In Blood

Coronavirus affects the normal functioning of the kidney in the human body. Sometimes, tiny blood clots are formed in the kidneys of the patients suffering from COVID-19, which hampers the waste and extra fluid removal process of the kidneys.

  • Inflammation

COVID-19 potentially injures the kidney and thus, inflammation occurs. The human body sends protein and other molecules to the part of the body inflamed, but sometimes this process can be extreme, resulting in the decline in the function of the kidney.

Precautionary Measures To Avoid COVID-19 In Kidney Patients

Let us look at some of the possible steps that must be followed by the kidney patients to stop the spread of the coronavirus and avoid getting affected by the virus:

  • Regularly take the medicines prescribed by the doctors.
  • Clean your hands regularly and make use of alcohol based sanitizers .
  • Maintain good hygiene in your surroundings.
  • Follow the necessary guidelines rolled out by the healthcare sector like social distancing, use of face masks, etc.


If you are a kidney patient then you must make sure that you maintain good hygiene and take all the necessary measures. You can invest in a suitable critical illness health insurance cover, to cover your medical expenses at the time of hospitalization due to chronic disorders.

Also Read: Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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