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How You Can Save On Health Insurance Premiums?

Unfortunately, medical bills are unavoidable. Therefore, it only makes sense to purchase health insurance in advance. Read this blog to know how you can reduce the cost of health insurance. 

How You Can Save On Health Insurance Premiums?

Tips To Buy Health Insurance Plans

Find some helpful tips below that will help you reduce your overall health insurance premium.

  • Purchase Medical Insurance Online

The cost of purchasing health insurance online is much lower than offline. Online insurance avoids middlemen and their associated expenses, which explains why.

The premium for online health insurance policies is lower as a result of these savings. To save money on the premium, we advise you to get online health insurance.

  • Examine Various Health Care Plans

Over the past few years, the health insurance industry has experienced tremendous growth. As a result, there are numerous health insurance solutions available. You can choose the best health insurance plan for you and your family by evaluating the costs and policy benefits s. Compared to its offline version, this can be achieved more effectively with online health insurance.

  • Buy Health Insurance As Early As Possible

A general rule in health insurance is to purchase coverage as soon as possible in life. Insurance companies typically charge less for health insurance for young people. The reason for this is that younger people are less likely to get get serious illnesses, age-related illnesses than older ones, and as a result of this, they may not raise claim frequently s

  • Purchase Top-Up Policies To Increase Coverage

Certain medical procedures might turn out to be quite expensive. However, purchasing a health insurance plan with a high sum insured can turn out to be quite expensive.  This is due to the fact that the premium is often higher for a high sum insured..

Fortunately, you can purchase top-up and super top-up policies in addition to your standard health insurance. These can be purchased as add ons and are affordable, helping you in times when the base sum insured is exhausted.  

  • Don't Select Pointless Insurance Coverages

The cost of health insurance is typically inversely correlated with the level of coverage you choose. Therefore, you may have to pay a greater price if you select high coverage. Choose only the necessary add-ons which you feel are important based on your age, medical status, profession, etc.. By doing so, you can avoid having to pay a high premium. 

  • Purchase A Family Floater Policy

We care about our family members' well-being. Therefore, it should go without saying that people require financial protection from medical debt through health insurance. However, purchasing individual health insurance plans for every member of the family can get expensive.

Fortunately, you can provide coverage for your family members under a single plan if you choose a family floater plan. This will lower the amount of money you pay on family health insurance significantly and broaden the coverage provided under your plan.

  • Make Judicious Claims

A No Claim Bonus (NCB), as the name implies, is a discount granted by insurers to clients who do not file any claims throughout the policy periodically, the reward is given in the form of an increase in the insured amount. Therefore, if you want to lower your health insurance premium, you might want to think twice before filing claims for very inexpensive medical care.

  • Harmonise GMC And Personal Policy

If you are a salaried employee, your employer can provide Group Medical Coverage for you and your family (GMC). If this is the case, you might choose a plan that complements your employer's health plan rather than spending a lot of money on an individual one.


It need not be expensive to have comprehensive health insurance coverage. The aforementioned advice can help you save money on health insurance costs. In this manner, you may both preserve your hard-earned money and safeguard against unforeseen medical expenses.

Also Read: 

Know Who Should Buy Critical Illness Rider To Their Health Plans?

List Of Widely Spread Critical Illnesses In India


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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