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How To Use Health Insurance Premium Calculator?

With the growing awareness of the new technological advancements in all the sectors, various facilities are provided by the insurance companies also to their policyholders. There exist official websites of the insurance companies which facilitate the purchase or renewal of insurance policies and a toll-free number of the company makes it possible for the customers to solve their grievances any time. A health insurance policy can be compared, purchased, or renewed online without many efforts by being at home. Similarly, premiums of such policies can be calculated online by using an online premium calculator. 

Health insurance premium calculators help you to adjust your future finances by calculating the exact amount of premium of the desirable plan chosen. You can know the rate of the premium amount by entering certain details like the sum assured, the chosen plan, add-on covers added, and much more. The calculator will not only display the premium cost but will also let you adjust the premium amount according to your financial condition. 

How To Use Health Insurance Premium Calculator?

What Is Health Insurance Premium? 

Premium payment is a periodic payment of the amount that should be paid to the insurance company to avail the benefits of a health insurance plan and to make sure that the insurance policy remains in force. With the increase in sum assured of the health insurance policy, the premium rate also increases. A health insurance premium calculator enables you to calculate the premium on your health insurance policy. It is an effective and time-saving tool for all the policyholders as it gives them an idea of the cost that has to be spent periodically on their health insurance policies. 

How To Use A Health Insurance Premium Calculator? 

A health insurance premium calculator is available online and can be used anytime to calculate the premium of the policy that you wish to purchase. To use this calculator, all you have to do is enter some details like your desired plan, sum assured, medical history, age, gender, no claim bonus, and much more. After processing your details, the calculator will display the premium amount on the screen. You can alter the sum assured as it directly affects the premium cost. This online premium calculator is accurate and reliable. You can go for this instead of calculating the premiums on paper, as it may take longer than required and results cannot be relied upon. 

Advantages of Health Insurance Premium Calculator

Following is the list of some significant benefits that you can get by calculating the premium online using a health insurance calculator: 

  • You can adjust the amount and other details, which will help you customize your health insurance policy. 
  • There is little to no risk of getting wrong values as the digital calculator program returns accurate and reliable results that can be trusted upon. 
  • By knowing your premium payments in advance, you can easily plan your future finances and budget accordingly. 
  • It also displays the premium for suitable add-on covers that you can include in your policy to enhance the benefits. 
  • This premium calculator helps you carefully analyze and compare the plans to choose the most appropriate plan for yourself and your loved ones. 

Factors Affecting The Health Insurance Premium Amount

There are certain factors that affect the cost of premium payments apart from the sum assured which is an obvious factor. Let us look at these factors individually and how they affect the premium cost: 

1. Age 

With the increase in age, your premium price also increases as old people are more vulnerable to contract a disease than the younger ones. Therefore, you must invest in a health insurance policy as early as possible. 

2. Gender

The premium rates differ for men and women, as women visit the hospitals more often than men, and hence, higher premiums are demanded from women. 

3. Pre-Existing Diseases

If you have any medical history of chronic disorder then you will be subjected to higher premiums. Some people have pre-existing ailments like cancer, diabetes, etc. which require expensive treatments. 

There are other factors too like smoking conditions, body mass index, geographic location, profession, etc. which affect your premium costs. 


You must always calculate your health insurance premium in advance to know the average amount of expenses that will be incurred in the upcoming months or during the policy tenure.

Must Read: Significance of Health Insurance Premium Calculator

How To Lower Your Health Insurance Premium - Explained

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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