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How To Pay United India Health Insurance Premium Online

United India Insurance began operations in the year 1938 and has been striving towards providing the best insurance products which provide a certain set of benefits to a policyholder. The company used to be a subsidiary of General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC), the company’s four subsidiaries are New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance, United India Insurance, and National Insurance. The company has a workforce that comprises of hardworking individuals who ensure that the company’s customer base is catered to by addressing every query or complaint that comes their way.

How To Pay United India Health Insurance Premium Online

Health Insurance Products offered by United India Insurance

Health Insurance policies are an integral part of an individual’s life as people are becoming more and more aware about the importance of having a health insurance plan. Besides being a safety net for an individual’s finances, a health insurance policy ensures that a policyholder and their family members receive the medical attention required if they meet with an unforeseen circumstance. Some of the various health insurance products which are available are:

  • United India Insurance Family Medicare Policy
  • United India Insurance Family Medicare 2014 Policy
  • United India Insurance Gold Policy
  • United India Insurance Platinum Policy
  • United India Insurance Individual Mediclaim
  • United India Insurance Super Top-Up Plan
  • United India Insurance Top-Up Plan
  • United India Insurance Senior Citizen Policy
  • United India Insurance Workmen Medicare Policy
  • United India Insurance UNI Criticare Plan

United India Insurance Online Premium Payment Channels

There are a number of different premium payment channels which have been set by United India Insurance to help a customer make their premium payments online. These channels not only save time but also facilitate and promote a secure and hassle-free payment method. Some of the premium payment methods which a customer can use have been mentioned below:

Payment online on United India Insurance website:

A customer can purchase a health insurance policy on the official website of United India Insurance.

  • A customer will have to go the official website of United India Insurance where they would have to click on the “Health Insurance” tab located on the main page.
  • The customer will be provided with a couple of options under this tab such as renewals, top-ups, and more.
  • Click on the “Get Quote” tab to make a payment towards the premium that needs to be paid towards a new health insurance policy.
  • Once done, the customer will be taken to a new page where they would have to enter a few personal details such as start and end date of the policy, type of health insurance cover required, etc.
  • Click on “Get quote” and then proceed to the next step of obtaining a new health insurance policy from United India Insurance.
  • The website has made the entire process of applying for a new health insurance plan online right up to the renewal of the policy in a simple and customer friendly method.

Through NEFT/RTGS:

A customer can make a premium payment towards a health insurance policy using the NEFT/RTGS service which is provided by a bank. The policyholder can make a transfer of the premium amount through NEFT/RTGS channels by providing the following personal details:

  • Account Name
  • Bank Name
  • Bank Address
  • IFSC Code
  • Beneficiary Name (which is United India Insurance Company Limited

The customer or policyholder is encouraged to get in touch with the customer service department of United India Insurance if they have any further questions about the policy and the payment method through this channel.

Interbank Mobile Payment Services (IMPS):

United India Insurance has made it very convenient for a person to make a premium payment towards their health insurance policy with various payment channels. Interbank Mobile Payment Services is very suitable to make a premium payment at any given time of the day. The facility comes with instant confirmation via SMS when the policyholder’s account gets debited. To avail this facility, the policyholder will have to:

  • Subscribe to United India’s Mobile Banking service using their bank number to register for an Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS).
  • Once done, the bank will provide the policyholder with a Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) along with a MPIN which is a password which can be used for mobile transactions.
  • The policyholder will have to install their bank’s Mobile Banking Application.
  • Availing this payment facility is a simple process where the policyholder will have to subscribe to the mobile banking service that’s available with the policyholder’s bank. Visit the main website of United India Insurance to know more on this topic.


A customer of United India Insurance does not have to move mountains to find simple ways to renew their health insurance. The insurer has made it easier with the Mobile Payment Service (IMPS) as the policyholder does not have to get out of his/her home to renew their health insurance policy. Using the Merchant Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS) section which is available on the Mobile Banking application, the policyholder will have to input the following details to begin the renewal process: Merchant Mobile Number, Payment Reference (Policyholder’s renewal reference number), Amount (Renewal Premium Amount),Merchant MMID and MPIN.

Also read: Is SBI Health Insurance good?

How To Claim TATA AIG Health Insurance Policy


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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