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How to Download Star Health Insurance Plan?

Star Health and Allied Insurance Company is a popular health insurance company, which started its operations in the year 2006. The health insurance company is known to provide a huge assortment of health insurance products at an economical price. The insurance plans offer coverage for expenses including pre-hospitalisation expenses, post-hospitalisation expenses, critical illness, medical check-up, etc.

How to Download Star Health Insurance Plan?

Star Health Insurance Policy Document

A Star Health insurance policy document acts as a legal agreement between the policyholder and the insurance provider, wherein the insurance company would offer financial coverage to the policyholder in the event of unforeseen medical emergency at the cost of insurance premium. This document includes details regarding policy coverage, benefits offered, sum insured, features, etc. Also, this document serves as a receipt for insurance premiums paid for health plans by the policyholder. The following details can be found in your policy document:

  • Policy number, type and duration
  • Personal details regarding insured such as name, age, etc
  • Policy Inclusion and Exclusion
  • Terms and Conditions for Claim
  • Policy Renewal Detail
  • Sum Insured details and Cumulative Bonus
  • Grievance Redressal Process
  • Policy Cancellation Details

Steps to Download Online Star Health Insurance Plan Document

You can follow the easy steps highlighted below in order to download Star health insurance plan document online:

Step 1: Visit the official website of Star Health and Allied Insurance Company
Step 2: On the customer portal, click on the ‘Login’ option
Step 3: Choose Retail Customer from the drop down menu list
Step 4: The policyholders who are an existing customers can simply use their registered email ID and password
Step 5: On the other hand, all the new customers can select the ‘register now’ option and fill in their personal information.
Step 6: Once you have given all your necessary information, you can find all the details regarding your Star Health Insurance Policy like policy status, enrolment date, etc.
Step 7: From the dashboard where you can find all the details, you can also choose to download the Star Health policy document in the PDF format too.

How Can You Make Changes in Star Health Insurance Plan Document?

Once you get your Star Health Insurance Plan policy document, go through it carefully to not just know the terms and conditions mentioned in the health plan but also to see in case any corrections are needed in the document. If you need to make any necessary corrections, then simply get in contact with customer care staff of Star Health and Allied Insurance Company on their toll-free number 1800 425 2255 or you can also request for information change by emailing them at

Moreover, if you need any further assistance, feel free to contact the experts at InsuranceDekho on their toll free number i.e. 1800-119-6989 between 9:30 am to 6:30 am from Monday to Sunday.

In a Nutshell

For the policyholders to experience a smooth and hassle-free policy buying experience and after, Star Health and Allied Insurance Company has ensured to offer their customers all the necessary guidance at every step. A policy buyer can purchase health insurance plans, make premium payment online, get quotes for various insurance plans using a premium calculator, register for claim online and also download the policy document within a few minutes. All that is required from your end is important information such as policy number, date of birth, policy number and registered contact number in order to download the policy document from the official website of the insurer.

Also Read: How Star Health Insurance Online Payment Mode Benefits You?

All You Need to Know About Filing a Claim with Star Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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