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How To Download COVID Vaccination Certificate Online From CoWIN?

The vaccines for the global disease COVID-19 are launched in India. You can choose from the two vaccines available in India: the covaxin by Bharat Biotech or the covishield by Serum Institute of India. However, to get vaccinated from either of the vaccines, you'll have to register first via the Cowin website or the Arogya Setu App.

What is the COVID Vaccination Certificate?

An academic mark sheet indicates that you are promoted to a higher level. Just like this, the COVID vaccination certificate is being issued to an individual when they have taken their first dose of either of the two vaccines. Moreover, the COVID vaccination certificate also displays some crucial information about you and the type of vaccination. 

Some details like name, gender, age, name of the vaccine, and the date of vaccination are available on the COVID vaccine certificate. Moreover, it provides information about the next dose's due date, the person who gave you the vaccine, and the place where you received it. Hence, it is crucial to track the due date for the second dose of vaccination. Usually, the second dose is to be given six to eight weeks after the first dose.

How To Download COVID Vaccination Certificate Online From CoWIN

Remember to get your COVID vaccination certificate as soon as you get your first dose of the vaccine. You can obtain your COVID Vaccination Certificate in a few easy steps:

Step 1: Visit the official Cowin website that is,
Step 2: Log in using the phone number that you had used to register yourself for the vaccine.
Step 3: Next, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter this in the space provided, so that you can log in.
Step 4: After logging in, click on the Certificate tab.
Step 5: Press on the Download button to get your COVID Vaccine Certificate.

How to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccine, which was being rolled out in various phases, is finally available for everyone who is above 18 years of age. To get vaccinated, register yourself with the relevant details on any of the official channels like the Arogya Setu App and the CoWIN website. Once registered, you will receive options to choose from among the nearby available centres that are giving out the vaccine.

Once you've decided, you'll be able to schedule an appointment for a specific day. Both of the currently available vaccines are being distributed by government centres and hospitals, as well as private hospitals. Although most government facilities provide the vaccine for free, you will have to pay a fee to obtain it from a private facility.

Also Read: Who Should Be Prioritized For COVID-19 Vaccination?

COVID-19: When Can You Get Second Vaccine Shot if Infected After First Dose?


COVID-19 vaccination is important, and so as the certificate of immunisation. While visiting to have a second dose of vaccination, it is crucial to carry the Covid-19 vaccination certificate of the first dose. Make sure to wear your masks, gloves and carry sanitiser when you go out to get yourself vaccinated. With the number of cases on the rise and the new strains that have been found, it is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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