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How To Claim Future Generali Health Insurance

Future Generali is an insurance provider that came into being thanks to a merger between one of the most popular Indian businesses, Future Group, and one of the most prominent Italian-based providers of products and services related to wealth management and financial protection, Generali. Future Generali offers a vast array of products and services that are specially tailored to cater to the needs and requirements of an extensive customer base. The claim procedure for health insurance policies from Future Generali is explained below, and the claim form along with all the relevant documents must be sent to the company’s registered office at Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.

How to Make Claims?

  • In Case of Cashless Treatment

1. Procedure to File a Claim (Planned / Emergency Hospitalisation)

The insured individual will have to choose the Empanelled Hospital to undergo treatment and display the Future Generali Health Card for verification purposes. The terms and conditions of the policy will determine the extent of coverage the insured individual will receive through the cashless facility. Following the discharge of the insured individual from the hospital, bills will be sent to the health insurance provider by the hospital itself. The hospital will receive the payment directly from Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.

2. Claims Process

Future General India Insurance Co. Ltd. usually settles insurance claims within seven days after the policyholder has submitted the claim form along with all the relevant documents. The insured individuals will have to send the fully filled-in claim form along with the claim documents as requested by the insurance provider after calling and applying for a claim on the company’s toll free number: 1800-102-2355. The documents must be sent to Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd., Indiabulls Finance Centre, Tower 3, 6th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone (W), Mumbai – 400013. The company will commence the claim process immediately after it receives the requisite documents from the claimant, and will settle the claim within seven days after it has verified the documents furnished by the policyholder.

  • In Case of Reimbursement of Treatment Expenses:

1. Procedure to File a Claim

The insurance company must be intimated regarding the insured individual’s admission in non-empanelled hospital. The payment of bills must be done directly by the policyholder to the hospital. The insured individual is also required to furnish all claim documents to the insurance provider for reimbursement. Future Generali will then verify the claim documents based on the terms and conditions of the policy. The insured individual will receive the payment through National Electronic Funds Transfer by Future Generali. To make a claim for reimbursement, just visit the official website.

2. Documents Required

When applying for a reimbursement claim from Future Generali, a few documents must be furnished to the insurance provider for verification purposes. These documents include the fully filled-in claim form signed by the policyholder, medical certificate with the sign and seal of the treating doctor / medical practitioner, summary from the nursing home / hospital along with the original discharge card, doctors consultation history along with the supporting reports, original bills of hospitalisation and relevant medical receipts, investigation reports, cash memos from pharmacies / hospital along with proper prescriptions, and in case of accidents, the Medico Legal Certificate. Any other documents as requested by the insurance provider must also be submitted for quick settlement of claims.

3. Claims Process:

Insurance claims are generally settled within seven days of receipt of claim documents by Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd. The insured individual will have to submit the fully filled-in claim form along with the claim documents as requested by the insurance provider. For the application of claims, the insured individual can contact the company on its toll free number: 1800-102-2355. The claim documents must be sent to:

Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd., Indiabulls Finance Centre, Tower 3, 6th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone (W), Mumbai – 400013.


The company will begin the claim process immediately upon receipt of the requisite documents from the claimant, and will settle the claim within seven days after it has reviewed the submitted documents.

Also Read: 

How To Claim Reliance Health Insurance Policy

How To Check SBI Health Insurance Policy Status


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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