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How To Check Your Health Insurance Claim Status?

Your investment in a health insurance policy is worthy only if the policy serves its purpose at the time of a medical emergency and compensates for your medical expenses. The coverage and benefits of the purchased health insurance cover can be availed at the time of claim settlement. You must therefore be aware of the inclusions and exclusions of your policy as it avoids any confusion in the claiming process. 

There are two different types of claim settlement processes namely cashless claims and reimbursement claim process. Both the types of claim processes have their own significance but it must be noted that a cashless claim takes less time to get processed, unlike the reimbursement claim settlement process. Once you have requested to claim your health insurance cover, you can receive your treatment at peace without worrying about any issues. However, sometimes there is a need to keep a track of your claim process request and customers need to check the status of their claim request which can be done online with the advancement in technology. 

How To Check Your Health Insurance Claim Status?

Claim Settlement Process of Your Health Insurance Policy 

Claiming your health insurance policy protects you against any monetary expenses that might incur at the time of medical emergency. Both cashless and reimbursement claim settlement procedures have a similar purpose but in the case of a cashless claim, the insurer clear the medical dues directly with the hospital and the customer need not pay a single penny from their pocket. But, in the case of the reimbursement claim process, the complete amount incurred from the medical treatment is paid by the customer, and later, on the basis of the discharge documents, receipts, prescriptions, etc. the insurer transfers the claim amount to the policyholder’s bank account. The reimbursement claim process takes longer time than a cashless claim process and therefore, its claim status must be tracked regularly by the policyholders. 

Process To Check The Claim Status of A Health Insurance Policy 

Nowadays, the process to check the health insurance claim status has become smooth and hassle-free with the help of the internet. Following are the steps that can be followed to check your claim status online: 

  • Visit the official website of your insurer or the insurance company. 
  • Click on the ‘Lodge a Claim’ icon on the home page of the website. 
  • Select the option of ‘Track Claim Status’ 
  • Enter the required details like customer ID, policy number, phone number, name, etc., and click on ‘Submit’. 
  • The status of your claim settlement request will be displayed on the web.

In case you are unable to check your claim status online, follow the below steps to check the health insurance claim status offline: 

  • Visit the nearest branch or office of your insurance company. 
  • You can also call on their customer care or toll-free number to enquire about your claim request. 
  • Or, you can send an email to the insurer’s official email ID to check the claim process request. 

For offline inquiries also you need to provide the insurer with some basic details like your customer ID, Policy number, name, etc. 

Some health insurance providers have enhanced their customer services and they provide SMS and live chat features to enquire about the claim settlement status of your purchased health insurance policy. You have to provide the customer support team with the basic details like name, policy number, customer ID, etc. and your claim status will be produced by the insurer. 


You must keep a track of your health insurance claim status to ensure that the process is running smoothly and hassle-free. You must carefully read the terms and conditions of your policy to avoid any confusion at the time of claim settlement. If your claim request demands anything that is beyond the terms of the policy, then your claim request will not be accepted by the insurance company. 

Must Read: Difference Between Incurred Claim Ratio And Claim Settlement Ratio

Best Health Insurance Companies In 2021 Based On Claim Settlement Ratio

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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