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How To Calculate Premium For National Health Insurance Plans?

While purchasing a health insurance policy, you usually compare different plans from different companies. Based on your selection criteria, you choose the most appropriate plan for yourself. But, one important step that you must follow before buying a policy is calculating the premium. Calculating the premium beforehand gives you a fair idea of the future expenses that will be incurred for the payment of premiums. Also, you can adjust the premiums on the online calculators according to your convenience and budget. 

National Health Insurance provides its customers with an online premium calculator to select the appropriate plan and plan their financial budget. The premium calculator taken in some details like the sum assured and age of the applicant to calculate the premium. The process of calculating the premium online takes less time than calculating it on paper physically. The paper-pen method becomes hectic and might not always show accurate results.   

How To Calculate Premium For National Health Insurance Plans?

About National Health Insurance

National Health Insurance is one of the oldest insurance providers in India and over the years it has adapted several modern-day technologies to deliver quality services to its customers. The wide range of products and plans offered by National Health Insurance makes it easier for the customers to select the best one for themselves and their loved ones. Let us look at some of the standard features of National Health Insurance: 

  • The company has a network of 6000+ linked hospitals to provide cashless treatments. 
  • It gives the policyholders an option for the lifelong renewability of policies. 
  • The claim settlement ratio of the company was 83.78% in FY 2019-20. 
  • The company was awarded Economic Times Iconic Brands in the year 2018. 

How To Calculate Premiums For National Health Insurance Plans? 

You can calculate the premium of your plan on the official website of National Health Insurance. This online premium calculator is an efficient tool to get a fair idea of your future expenses. To get the premium calculated accurately, you need to enter the below details in the required fields: 

  • Age of the applicant
  • Policy term 
  • Coverage details and desired sum assured 
  • Medical history or critical illness, if any 
  • Type of policy

After entering the above details your premium calculation will be displayed. You can adjust the premium according to your convenience. 

Benefits of Using National Health Insurance Premium Calculator 

Below are some benefits of choosing National Health Insurance for calculating your premiums: 

  • Online premium calculator by National Health Insurance makes the whole process simple, quick, and hassle-free. 
  • Advance premium calculation enables you to plan your finances for the upcoming months. 
  • Based on the details entered, the calculator suggests the most appropriate plans and helps you compare them with the other plans. 
  • This online service by National Health Insurance takes care of your preferences apart from the premium quotes. 
  • Policy premium charts and rates make the process more clear and understandable. 

Why Choose National Health Insurance?

National Health Insurance company is one of the oldest and most trusted companies in India. It has a huge customer base which appreciates their services and policies. The policies offered by National Health Insurance are customized and meet the requirements of the individuals at the time of a medical emergency. The company has a wide network of hospitals, which makes it accessible for the policyholders to get cashless treatments. 


The premium calculated should be adjusted according to your financial budget. Based on the premium rates you must choose the best policy for yourself and your loved ones. You must make sure to go through the policy-related documents clause by clause to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding during the claim settlement process.

Must Read: Best National Health Insurance Plans to Buy in 2021

National Health Insurance Schemes in India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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