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How Much Do Scientists Know About Omicron Variant Until Now?

The Omicron variant of the coronavirus has recently been detected. It was first detected in South Africa which then alerted the world. However, since then, investigations have found that it might have originated in Europe earlier. Since it has been only a few days, there is still much to know about the variant. At such a stage, it is crucial to subscribe to correct information only to avoid confusion and panic. The following are some of the conclusions that the World Health Organization (WHO) has provided for now.

How Much Do Scientists Know About Omicron Variant Until Now?

1. Transmissibility

The Omicron cases have seemingly rapidly increased in number and spread around the world. The number of cases in South Africa has especially seen a rise after the detection of the Omicron variant there. However, scientists are yet to conclude whether this is exclusively owing to the Omicron variant itself or other factors that might be present at the same time. Cases have also been found in over 35 countries, including India where the cases are now just over twenty. Nevertheless, it is important to stay alert to the variant in case it all takes a bad turn.

Must Read: Vaccination Key to Battling Omicron: WHO

2. Deadliness

Till now, there have been no reports of death as such, from the Omicron variant. However, there is no conclusive evidence till now to prove whether the variant is causing more complications than other variants, including the Delta variant. There have been no separate or particular symptoms related to this variant as well. For now, WHO has stated that all COVID-19 variants that have caused significant infection in the world, also stand a chance of causing severe death or disease. This makes people with preexisting conditions and in vulnerable groups more susceptible to catching the infection.

3. Vaccines

WHO has recently declared that existing vaccines are most likely to work on the Omicron variant and is not more severe than the Delta variant. It is important to get vaccinated as swiftly as possible because the existing and approved vaccines have been seen to reduce the severity of the coronavirus infection and lower the chances of death from the disease. Being fully vaccinated will help keep both you and your loved ones safe. In India, vaccines are available for free from government facilities and are easily available currently.

4. Validity of Current Tests

The most used test for the detection of COVID right now remains the PCR test. They have proven to be able to detect all the dominant and known variants of the coronavirus, including the Omicron variant. However, there is an investigation still ongoing regarding the Omicron variant. Subsequently, it is also being investigated whether the variant has any other effects on other kinds of detection tests like the rapid antigen tests. It is, therefore, important to keep in mind the symptoms and get tested as soon as possible for COVID, regardless of whether the ultimate result might bear the Omicron variant or not.


Research is still ongoing regarding the Omicron variant. With only a few days since it has been detected, most of the information that has been gathered is not set in stone as developments might occur at any time. This makes it even more important as to why one must stay alert to any new information. However, it is also crucial to absorb only authentic information from trusted sources instead of relying on fake news and panicking.

Also Read: Status of Omicron Variant in India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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