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How Long Will It Take To Build Immunity After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine?

The vaccines are finally available for everyone over the age of 18, in India. Both the vaccines that are being given out, the Covaxin by Bharat Biotech and Covishield by Serum Institute of India, need to be administered in two doses. This has also given rise to questions of how long exactly does it take to build immunity after getting the COVID-19 Vaccine.

How Long Will It Take To Build Immunity After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine?

The two vaccines are being given out in two doses with four to eight weeks in between. It is important to take both doses for the vaccine to completely build your immunity. The first fifteen days after your first dose are especially crucial as this has been observed as the time that the body takes to build immunity with the vaccine. However, the second dose is important for more well-rounded and long-lasting protection. Again, it takes almost fifteen days from the day of the second dose to build immunity. 

You must take two doses of the same vaccine, either Covaxin or Covishield. Although it is understandable if you miss the exact date of the second dose, try to get it as close to the date as possible. However, even if you are late, you do not need to restart the complete cycle. The governmental portals to register for the vaccine do not automatically schedule your second dose. The due date will be given on your Covid Vaccination Certificate and you will have to book a slot yourself.

However, there has been no concrete evidence to suggest how long the immunity might last. Although the vaccine will definitely be helpful in the first few months, its long term effects are still undetermined.

What Are the Chances of Getting Infected After Vaccination?

Although there is a small chance of getting COVID-19 after you have been vaccinated, it has been seen that the vaccine is very effective in reducing the severity of the infection as well as reduces transmissibility. Therefore, getting the vaccine will not only help you but those around you too as it will lessen the chances of spreading the virus. There are fewer chances of death from COVID-19 for those who are vaccinated.

Precautions Must Be Taken Even After Getting Vaccinated

The suggested precautions such as wearing a mask are still very much relevant even after you have been vaccinated. Although social distancing rules might be relaxed among members of the same family or groups who are all vaccinated, it is still necessary to be careful. The coronavirus is still very much a threatening presence and recently, has had multiple mutated strains too. Therefore, it is important you keep on wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and social distance even after you have completed your two doses of vaccine.

Read More: 

How to Get Vaccinated for Covid-19?

Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19


Scientists around the world are still studying and scrutinizing the coronavirus, the vaccine as well as various associated factors and effects. Till now, it has been found that the vaccine takes almost two weeks or fifteen days to build immunity in an individual. Nevertheless, the vaccine has shown promising results and if you have the opportunity, you must take it as soon as possible. 

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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