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How is Universal Sompo Health Insurance?

Universal Sompo Health Insurance plans are offered by Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Limited, which is a joint venture between Indian Bank, Karnataka Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Dabur Investments and Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. These plans are designed to meet all the medical requirements of individuals, families and senior citizens.

The company is headquartered in Mumbai and has 117 offices countrywide with representation through its digitally enabled employees. It has a strong distribution network of Agents, Point of salespersons, Bank Branches, Automobile Dealers, Brokers, Common Service Centres, and Digital Platforms.

The company offers 205 IRDA-approved products and 1494 Add-on covers, ranging from Motor, Accident & Health, Home for Individuals, Shopkeepers Package, Crop and other non-life packages for SMEs, Fire, Marine, Engineering, Employee’s Benefit, Project Insurance, Liability, and other special products for Corporates. Micro insurance covers the rural segment.

Advantages of availing health insurance plans from Universal Sompo

Universal Sompo General Insurance offers comprehensive health insurance plans that are robust and appropriate for people of all levels of income. Below are the advantages of  buying health insurance plans from Universal Sompo:

  • Cashless hospitalization facility is available all over the country at 5500+ network hospitals
  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses are covered
  • A high claim settlement ratio of 98.27% indicates greater chances of claim acceptance
  • Round the clock customer assistance is available
  • Tax benefit is provided under section 80D of the Income Tax Act
  • Free look period of 15 days is available
  • Faster claim settlement through in-house management of claims

Why Universal Sompo Health Insurance?

  • 5500 Plus Network Hospitals: Universal Sompo has a huge list of network hospitals where you can get cashless treatment whether it’s a planned hospitalization or an emergency.
  • 24x7 Customer Support: There’s 24x7 customer support available on the company’s helpline number. You can also chat live with the executives & even receive important information about your claims through an AI supported claim intimation element.
  • High Claim Settlement Ratio: The Company has a whopping high claim settlement ratio of 98.27% as of FY 2021-2022. This is a sign that the insurer has a customer friendly claim support system.
  • IRDAI Approved Products: The Company has a strong foothold in the insurance domain as it has 205 products that are approved by IRDAI.
  • In-House Claims Process: Universal Sompo has an in-house claim settlement process that enhances their customer service during claim settlement.

Features - Universal Sompo Health Insurance

  • Renewal : All the offered plans come with lifelong renewable options. Thus, once the plan is opted can be renewed at the same premium throughout the life.
  • Hospitalization Cover : Covers pre, post, in-patient hospitalization and other medical expenses.
  • Cashless Hospitalization Service : Offers cashless claim hospitalization services across India.
  • Free Look-up Period : Offers free look up period, during which the policyholder can review the policy, and if the policyholder disagrees with any of the terms and conditions can cancel the policy. However, the premium paid might be refunded after a deduction.


Universal Sompo Health Insurance offers a wide range of health insurance policies. policies are pocket-friendly and at the same time ensures you stay covered. You can customize plans with respect to premium and coverage. It’s time to shield yourself and your family against the increasing medical treatment costs. Unless the claim is a fraud case, Universal Sompo ensures that every claim that is lodged is settled. Universal Sompo could be your preferred option when you are scouting for an insurer on the basis of pre and post sales services.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
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