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How is Oriental Health Insurance?

Oriental Health Insurance provides cashless care in network-listed hospitals. If you are admitted to a network-listed hospital, you don't have to pay for your care. Up to age 55, there is no first screening. One reason why Oriental insurance mediclaim plans are so popular is because of this. If you can't get good insurance because of an illness you already have, check out the plans offered by Oriental Health

How is Oriental Health Insurance?

Here are the Important Parts of Oriental Health Plans:

  • Comprehensive Health Coverage: Oriental health plans are made by taking into account the needs of different people for insurance. A full health insurance plan is available to meet all of your insurance needs.
  • Daily Cash Allowance: If you are in the hospital, you get money every day based on how much you have insured.
  • Highest Available Amount Insured: Oriental Health has made plans for its insurance buyers that offer the highest available amount insured.
  • Enjoy Attractive Discounts on Premium: Who doesn't like a discount? Oriental health plans are full of discounts that make it worth every penny to buy health insurance.
  • Get a Quick Claim Settlement: The way an insurance company handles claims is a big part of how people think of them. Oriental Health makes it easy for people who buy insurance from them to file a claim.
  • Portability of Plan: There is a portability option. If you don't like how Oriental Insurance treats you, you can easily switch to another insurance company.

Why is Buying Oriental Health Insurance a Good Idea?

Here are some good reasons to buy health insurance:

  • In-Patient Hospitalisation Costs: These include things like room and board, room rent, nursing fees, ICU fees, OT fees, doctor's fees, medical bills, etc.
  • Pre-Hospitalisation Costs: Costs incurred before going to the hospital are covered for up to 30 days.
  • Post-Hospitalisation Costs: These are covered for 60 days after the hospital stay.
  • Hospital Cash: A cash benefit is given every day to cover costs that aren't medical.
  • Costs of Treatment at Home: Treatment costs at home are covered for a certain amount of time.
  • Day Care Procedures or Treatments: Daycare procedures or treatments are covered by your plan.
  • Fees for Organ Donors: Fees for organ donors are covered by the plan that is chosen.
  • Maternity Coverage: There is coverage for both the mother and the child during pregnancy.
  • Convalescence Benefit: Depending on the policy chosen, coverage for convalescence is given.
  • Tax Benefits: Section 80D of the IT Act, 1961 says that you can get a tax break if you pay your insurance premiums.


When it comes to customer service, Oriental Insurance has made a name for itself and works hard to help its customers. Customers can get in touch with the insurer's customer service department in a number of ways and get quick answers to all their questions about their health insurance policy as well as friendly advice.

Also read:Importance of Getting Health Insurance That Covers Home Treatment

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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Why to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers