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How Is Aditya Birla Health Insurance?

Health Insurance policies are not only for tax saving. With the cost of medical expenses reaching the skies, it is inevitable not to have a medical policy. Most employers offer an insurance plan, but it renders you useless once you change your job. Therefore, it is always advisable to have a separate policy for unforeseen events.

Choosing a medical insurance plan can be complicated. However, knowing what the plan should include can make your job easier.

Things To Consider While Buying A Health Plan From Aditya Birla Health Insurance

Here is a list of things to look for in a medical insurance policy from Aditya Birla Health Insurance Company.

  • Individual or Family Floater Plan

The first step involves choosing the type of plan you want to take up. In most cases, family floater plans are favorable and beneficial. They cover your family members (spouse, children, parents, and in-laws) and you, are comparatively cheaper than individual plans. Also, these plans are great value for money, as the chance of every member falling sick at the same time is very low.
If any of the family members are aged above 50, you can buy an individual cover for them, which will help cover all health-related claims for that particular senior.

  • Choosing the Coverage Amount

Medical expenses are inflating at a very high rate, and health insurance is supposed to help you meet your expenses, whatever may be the concern. When choosing a health policy, always look out for a plan that offers maximum coverage and amount for your health claims.

  • Co-payment Clause

Every policy has a clause called the co-payment clause. This means that for every claim made, you will have to bear a certain percentage of the claim amount. For instance, if your co-payment clause mentions 10%, for a claim of Rs.50, 000, you will have to pay Rs.5,000 from your own pockets. You must understand and agree with this clause before you take the policy.

  • Network Hospitals

Check the list of hospitals included in your policy, do this while keeping your health requirements in mind and see if the particular hospitals facilitate your needs.
Almost all policies cover Pre/post hospitalization expenses. This includes costs incurred while hospitalized, and fees followed after the discharge, relating to the ailment only.
To be able to make a claim, hospitalization for at least 24 hours is necessary.
If you’re married and plan on starting a family, you would also want your plan to cover maternity benefits. Check for the waiting period, sub-limits, and any exclusions that might be included in your maternity cover.

  • Waiting Period for Pre-existing Illnesses

If you have a pre-existing illness, you will have to serve a waiting period before you can claim the policy amount for your medical expenses. Most policies have a waiting period of 2 to 4 years. You should look for a policy with a longer period of waiting.

  • Lifetime Renewal

When you grow old, that is when you are more likely to use your health insurance policy. Look for a policy that comes without any age limit for renewal. It is especially essential if you plan on covering your parents in the plan.

  • Compare Premiums

A lot of tools online allow you to compare the premium with the benefits you’re going to receive. Comparing premiums will prevent you from paying higher amounts for lesser claims and vice versa.


Although this is not a comprehensive list, these pointers are good enough to get you started. There are a ton of policies available, and picking anything is a tedious job. Do thorough research and look for policies that benefit you and your family the most.

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How Is HDFC Ergo Health Insurance?

Which Scheme Of Act Offer Health Insurance Requirements For Workers


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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