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How Effective Is The Covid-19 Vaccine? Here is What People Who Got The First Jab Say

In the second wave of COVID-19 spread, the government has rolled out the vaccines as a miracle of science for the protection of people around the globe against the Coronavirus. In India, around 19.6 Crore doses have been given and 4.8 Crore people have received the vaccination and the process is still going on. 

The impact of the COVID-19 vaccine depends on its effectiveness, and several trials worldwide have shown that the vaccine has been effective for many people, against the current variant of Coronavirus. 

How Effective Is The COVID-19 Vaccine?

According to recent studies, vaccines are effective at keeping away the virus. The vaccine doses will protect the patients from potentially severe complications even if they get COVID-19.  

The recent shreds of evidence in studies have clarified that the vaccine is positively responsive towards asymptomatic infections too, that is, it protects against the Coronavirus which shows no physical symptoms. Therefore, overall it has been successful in reducing the spread of the disease and protecting everyone around.

How Does The COVID-19 Vaccine Work?

In general, COVID-19 vaccine prepares our immune system to recognize and fight the coronavirus. It takes the vaccine at least 2 weeks to build a high-level immunity against the coronavirus. Therefore, a person might get sick after taking the vaccine as it needs some time to build the immune system. 

The people are considered completely shielded from the coronavirus around 2 weeks after their second dose. And so, it is mandatory to strictly follow the rules of protection against coronavirus even after the vaccination.

Can We Expect COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthroughs?

Vaccine Breakthrough cases are expected for any vaccine as immune responses differ from person to person. For each one, it is different as to how their natural immune system responds to the virus attack, and therefore no vaccine is 100% protective for all. Some people might get infected even after receiving the jabs. 

However, medical experts assure that the presence of vaccines in the body reduces the chronic effects of the virus on our body and protects the system to a certain extent. In these cases, the symptoms are less severe and there are less to no chances that such a person will die of coronavirus. Hence, it is important to get vaccinated.

Side Effects of The COVID-19 Vaccine Which Are Normal 

Nobody can predict how long the natural immunity will last in the cases of coronavirus spread and so, it becomes necessary to get immunization even when you are suffering from COVID-19. 

After getting the vaccine doses, it is primary to experience certain side effects like mild fever, tiredness, chills, headache, and fatigue. These side effects are a confirmation that the doses are building protection. These types of vaccines are reactogenic, that is they show a noticeable immune response. The side effects are expected to last for 24 to 48 hours and not more than a few days. These are more expected after the second dose of the vaccine. 

Future of The COVID-19 Vaccines

The current variants or mutants of the coronavirus can be prevented with the help of the present stock of vaccines like Sputnik V, Pfizer, Covaxin, etc. However, researchers and medical experts are not sure if these vaccines will be effective for the future or upcoming mutants of the virus. 

There is a possibility that the vaccines will have to be updated to fight against the future Coronavirus if any. But, the vaccines available around the world are effective and reliable for most of the types of Coronavirus. 


Vaccine injections will build our natural immunity and prepare us to fight Coronavirus. Therefore, whatever the case may be, you must make sure that you take the two doses, as one dose is not as efficient as the two.

People around the world, who have been vaccinated have experienced positive results and there has been a decline in the number of cases. After getting vaccinated you must continue following the protocols, at least until the government’s next set of instructions are made public.   

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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