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How Do I Protect Myself from the Different COVID-19 Variants?

There are many different COVID-19 variants that have developed since the coronavirus was first detected, the latest being the omicron variant. These variants have brought with them new waves of infections, many of which have been quite fatal on a majority of the nations. With the detection of the omicron variant, there has been mounting concern on how the pandemic will now play out. Nevertheless, here is how you can protect yourself despite the different variants that might be detected.

How Do I Protect Myself from the Different COVID-19 Variants?

  • Get Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated is one of the foremost steps that one can take to protect themselves in this pandemic. Even if the vaccines do not dismiss the chances of contracting COVID completely, they reduce the severity of the infection severely and reduce the chances of death from COVID-19. This is a significant contribution especially in the face of a new variant that may or may not cause more severe infections than its predecessor. Although the latest omicron variant has not directly attributed directly to any death as such, it is crucial to remain alert to possibilities and take the best preventative measure that we currently have, to get vaccinated. In India, one can get vaccinated with either of the three vaccines that are available, the Covaxin, Covishield or the Sputnik V. Vaccines are available at registered government facilities, for free, as well as at private centers according to some standard charges.

  • Wear Proper Masks

Vaccinated or not, masks remain as one of the biggest forms of protection people have got against the coronavirus, whichever variant it may be. Masks have been found to be one of the most effective preventative measures that have been present since the beginning of the pandemic. There have been a number of different masks that have been approved for use like the N95, the KF94 and many more. Wearing a mask in any social gathering will keep you as well as those around you, safe and protected. This is especially important if you feel like you have a cold which might lead you to cough or sneeze. The omicron variant especially has been seen to be very transmissible which makes it crucial that you wear a mask when out and about.

  • Keep a Sanitizer Handy

Wherever you go, make sure to always keep a sanitizer handy. Being out and about brings you in contact with a lot of people who may or may not be infected and stand a chance of transmitting the virus to you. A good sanitizer is one that is from a trusted brand, has the right amount of alcohol content and is good for the skin. It is also helpful to keep a surface disinfectant handy to avoid touching unsafe surfaces and especially while you are traveling. Although most facilities regularly sanitize, public spaces might not be as safe and it is always better to be safe than sorry. 


With the emergence of new variants such as the omicron and the delta, it is natural that the government, as well as citizens across nations, have grown more alert. Although lockdowns and travel restrictions might be imposed, they are not solely reliable. There needs to be personal accountability and diligence towards following the required COVID regulations that have proven so effective in the past two years. They will not only protect you but also your loved ones. 

Also read: Is Omicron COVID Cases Covered Under Health Insurance?    

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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