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Enhance the Benefits of Any Health Insurance Plans

Given the rising expense of healthcare, it makes natural that you'd want the finest possible coverage when purchasing a health insurance plan in India. You likely had an idea of the features and the amount covered when you purchased health insurance for yourself and your family. 

Enhance the Benefits of Any Health Insurance Plans

As time passes, you come to the realisation that your insurance coverage is insufficient to pay for current healthcare bills, inflation, your family's expanding medical requirements, etc. This indicates that you must increase your policy's coverage level to ensure that it will be enough in the event that you ever need to file a claim.

Steps to Enhance  Benefits of Any Health Insurance Plan

You may improve your existing health insurance coverage by following these simple steps:

  • Increase the Amount you're Already Insured for: One easy approach to do this is to take a look at the level of coverage you now have. It's not a good idea to have low coverage limits to reduce your premiums since you wouldn't be covered if something catastrophic happened to your health.
  • Additionally, many plans give out additional complimentary perks (like no cap on hotel costs) when you select a higher level of coverage, so you get more "more for your money." Policyholders can pick a greater coverage amount for a somewhat higher premium at the time of policy renewal. There will be underwriting on this. Consider EMI alternatives to stretch out the expense if the one-time premium payment seems to be more than your annual budget can afford.
  •  Customise your Coverage with Add-ons:  To make the base health insurance plan more complete and suited to your needs, insurers provide optional riders or add-ons that can be selected when the policy is renewed.

The fundamental plan could pay for inpatient stays and daycare services, but you can also pay extra for extras like daily hospital cash, a health coach, and protection against catastrophic diseases or personal accidents, among other things. Your health insurance coverage will be better if you select these options based on what you could require in the future.

  •  Purchase Super Top-ups: This is a low-cost method of increasing your insurance coverage. After the threshold limit or deductible amount has been reached, there are a number of reasonably priced super top-ups that cover hospitalisation expenses.
  • Implement your Plan: You could consider changing your active health insurance policy to one from a different insurer or plan that offers greater features and a bigger insured amount for the same premiums. To make it simpler for consumers to move their plan to a new health insurance provider, the portability procedure has been streamlined.

Naturally, porting is constrained by the underwriting guidelines established by the new insurer. Your prior claim history may also have an impact on the new premium. However, those with policies may consider this as an additional choice for enhanced protection.

  •  Search for No-Claim Bonuses: If you don't file a claim throughout the policy year, the insurance company will compensate you, which is a significant product feature. An increase in the insured amount is offered as the no-claim incentive (as a certain percentage of the base policy coverage amount). This would eventually result in stronger health insurance protection that, in the event that a claim were to be made in the future, might pay for more pricey procedures.
  • Seek the Reinstatement Benefit: Another fantastic feature of health insurance is the reinstatement benefit. When the first (or second) medical claim is submitted during a policy year, this function is activated, and it recovers the amount that was depleted. If you have this advantage, even if you use up all of your insurance, you will still be protected. Additionally, having coverage for the "same disease" restoration benefit would be ideal for patients with recurrent or chronic diseases who require ongoing treatment.


Health insurance is a complicated product with several unique characteristics that vary between plans and insurers. To improve your health insurance coverage, it is essential to regularly check your policy in light of the recommendations.

Also Read: What Is The Difference Between Mediclaim And Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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