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Home Remedies For Increasing Immunity During Pandemic

The COVID-19 cases in India are on the rise again even amidst the huge vaccination drive that is currently ongoing. Prevention is better than cure, especially with the recent shortage in hospital beds and oxygen cylinders. One of the ways to prevent contracting the coronavirus is to boost your immunity. 

Home Remedies for Increasing Immunity During COVID-19 Pandemic

During these trying times, it is important to stay at home as much as possible. Try out these easy and convenient home remedies for increasing immunity during the pandemic:

1. Regular Yoga

With the pandemic, everyone has been obligated to spend large amounts of their time at home. However, you must regularly exercise in order to stay fit. Doing Yoga not only helps keep your mind calm and organized but also helps you maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. The various yoga exercises help keep your immune system actively working towards a stronger outcome.

2. Herbal Drinks

Herbal drinks are quite effective in building your immune system. Herbs like tulsi, turmeric, garlic, etc., are easily available and have several beneficial properties. They will not only help you ward off the coronavirus but also helps in getting better digestion. You can make these ingredients into a paste and add them to warm water for a helpful drink. 

3. Vitamin-rich Food

Vitamins, especially vitamin C are important ingredients to increase your immunity during this pandemic. You can take vitamin C supplements or simply eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C like spinach, lemons and limes, broccoli, kale etc. Other vitamins that help in boosting your immune system include vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. While Vitamin B6 can be found in proteins like chicken and fish, foods rich in Vitamin E include seeds and nuts.

4. Sufficient Sleep

Now that we are at our homes for long hours, take this time to catch up on all the sleep that you had been missing. It may seem like a trivial matter, but good sleep can greatly help you boost your immunity. A good rest will keep you from feeling unnecessarily tired and help your body function without stressing itself out. It will also keep you healthy, mentally. Sufficient sleep of six to seven hours a day is quite easily available if you put your mind to it. Follow a proper routine to help your immune system.

5. Warm Water

Make sure to drink warm water throughout the day. You do not need to do it all the time but a few glasses every day is good for your immune system. Add a pinch of lemon and salt to the warm water to make it even more effective. This is one of the most widely suggested home remedies in the pandemic as it helps provide protection against minor infections and boosts your immunity.


There are several home remedies that have been suggested since the beginning of the pandemic. Among them, there are several that are quite helpful, particularly the ones that help you boost your immune system. A strong immune system is one of the key contributors to keeping the coronavirus away and must be looked into by taking preventative measures. 

Also Read: Whom Do I Contact In Case Of Side Effects From COVID-19 Vaccination?

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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