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Here Is Why You Could Get a Negative Report Despite Having COVID-19 Symptoms!

The spread of COVID-19 is to such a large extent in India that there is a high probability of knowing an acquaintance who reflected coronavirus infection symptoms, yet the lab test for the same came out to be negative for them. Doctors confirmed that a patient is given treatment based on the symptoms they show and not on the basis of test results derived from the lab reports.

For the detection of COVID-19 infection in an individual in India, basically, two types of sample testing are given approval i.e. RT-PCR and Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT), a screening based test. The confirmation of COVID-19 infection is done through a ‘Positive’ report. However, a ‘Negative’ report especially by RAT does not certainly rule out the possibility of Coronavirus infection. For a person showing asymptomatic symptoms, a negative RT-PCR report is considered to be a confirmation for ruling out of Coronavirus.

Furthermore, with the news of a new found threat in the form of ‘White fungus’, patients who are suffering from the fungus did showcase Covid like symptoms, yet when tested, the reports came out to be negative.

The question now arises ‘Why do COVID-19 test kits or machines come out with a negative report for an infected person?’

The answer rests in the complicated sample collection process, its preservation, transportation and the final testing.

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Getting correct results from the lab test depends on multiple factors, under which the sample collection method should be right, the sample should be immersed in the chemical properly so that the coronavirus remains active, the sample should be transported safely and on time to the location where the testing of the sample has to be done.

In case, any error happens in any of the afore-mentioned steps, the test results can turn out to be negative. Moreover, with untrained lab technicians, the chances for these errors to creep in can increase manifolds during the process of COVID-19 diagnosis in the laboratory.

Also Read: Tips to Choose the Right Health Insurance in Times of COVID-19
Ways You Need To Take Care Of Yourself After Testing Negative For Covid-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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